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If you or someone you know requires access to special facilities, please get in touch with our Venues team - they're friendly folk and will do their best to meet your needs.
Email venues
All of our venues are wheelchair accessible via shallow ramps. Should you need to visit the Union Helpdesk, situated on the first floor of the Students' Union Building, there is a lift that can be accessed.
Our venues have all been mapped by AccessAble to show you the different routes around our buildings and the facilities available.
Visit AccessAble
Most of our events take place in our venues, so they are wheelchair accessible. Any events that have accessibility restrictions will be listed below.
RHSU is keen to promote equality of opportunity for people with disabilities and to take the necessary steps to meet their requirements. Since November 2015, RHSU has been working with Attitude is Everything, to improve deaf and disabled people’s access to Students’ Union events taking place within our venues.
Find out more
Freshers' Fair Access Hour
We recognise that a loud, busy environment can be a bit overwhelming for some people. To ensure that Freshers' Fair is accessible to all, we're hosting an 'Access Hour' (10:00-11:00) on Tuesday 24 September. During this hour, we'll hit pause on all the music and let fewer people in to ensure a quieter atmosphere for those who need it.