Frequently Asked Questions
What does my ticket get me?
Your ticket gets you access to the Summer Ball featuring Example, Jaguar Skills, Becky Hill and more, with live music spread across four stages and seven entertainment zones, food court, fun fair, casino, formal ball room, photography. Doors open at 20:00 until 06:00. You will also receive a number of add-ons for this year including:
- Drink on arrival before 22:00
- Breakfast for all Survivors at 06:00
- A free formal professional photograph – worth £10
- Unlimited use of our interactive photo booth
- $100 of casino chips for the Crosslands Casino
- Transport home (standard SSHH Bus routes)
- Complimentary event lanyard
How many guests can I bring/how many tickets can I buy?
As a Royal Holloway student you can purchase your ticket plus two guest tickets.
Can a friend purchase a ticket on my behalf?
You can purchase up to a maximum of three tickets per student card. Please note, each student can only purchase one early bird ticket.
Do I have to sign my guests in?
Yes. Your guest(s) must be present with you when you exchange your ticket(s) as wristbands will be secured at the time of exchange. Unlike general Students’ Union nights there will be NO charge for signing in guests.
What’s the latest time I can get there?
Doors open at 20:00 and we advise attendees to enter the arena early to ensure the best Summer Ball experience. The final entry time is 00:00 while re-admission to the event will begin from 03:00.
Can I go back to my room and come back later/can I leave the ball and come back later?
Due to capacity management we do not permit re-entry into the venue before 03:00.
Can I sell my ticket on?
Tickets are non-transferable and CANNOT be sold on. Any student selling or attempting to sell a ticket above face value WILL be subject to disciplinary action and risk being banned from the Students’ Union premises and activities in line with the Code of Conduct.
Can I collect a wristband on the door instead of the day(s) before?
We strongly encourage students to exchange their wristbands ahead of the event on the pre-allocated days of Thursday 2 and Friday 3 June (11:00-16:00) to guarantee entry to the Summer Ball. If you are unable to make these days wristbands can be exchanged on the clock-tower entrance to the North Quad of Founder’s from 19:00 on the night. Please remember that any guests will need to be present when collecting wristbands as they are secured at the point of exchange.
My friend bought their ticket from the SU, where do I get my physical ticket from if bought online?
When you buy a ticket online it is automatically assigned to your College card so you don’t need a physical ticket. They exist purely for the wristband exchange which will take place ahead of the Summer Ball.
What do I do if I’ve lost my ticket?
When purchasing a physical ticket it is essential you keep this ticket safe as lost ticket(s) WILL NOT be replaced or refunded under any circumstances. Online tickets are allocated automatically to your College card.
I can no longer attend can I get a refund?
Under exceptional circumstances a refund will be permitted. Please contact our venues team via email to discuss this.
Why are Summer Ball tickets £75?
As you know, the Students’ Union is a registered charity, which means all the money you spend with us ultimately comes back to you – funding things like clubs and societies, support for course reps, our advice centre and even subsidising the SSHH bus service (which runs at a large loss each year).
The Summer Ball costs an awful lot of money to put on each year – as you would expect from an event this size, taking place in one of the most historic university buildings in the UK. But one of our new values is trustworthy, and part of that entails helping students understand how the Union operates. We’ve put together a summary budget of the economic costs associated with running the event each year. Hopefully this helps to settle the debate – we’re honestly not for profit, we’re just for students.
Income |
Discount Tickets |
£10,000 |
Full Price Tickets |
£170,000 |
Bar Sales |
£30,000 |
Total |
£210,000 |
Expenditure |
Acts |
£60,000 |
Infrastructure |
£90,000 |
Bar & Catering |
£15,000 |
Marketing & Promotion |
£5,000 |
Staffing |
£30,000 |
Insurance & Licenses |
£7,500 |
Total |
£207,500 |
Surplus |
£2,500 |
I’m disabled and worried about access, will I be able to take part?
This year we’ve teamed up with Attitude is Everything to give as many students as possible the chance to enjoy and experience the Summer Ball.

Can I get a discount for (being a final year, being disabled, being a club president etc.)?
For the first time ever we’re offering 300 early bird tickets at £35 each. This is 10% of the event capacity and they are available to all students regardless of position held. In addition to this, all final year student staff employed by the Students’ Union have been offered a discounted ticket to the event as part of their employment package.
If the Summer Ball is cancelled will I get a refund?
In the unlikely event that the Summer Ball is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances the Students’ Union will look to reimburse ticket holders. Please note, the ball has never been cancelled.
What happens to me if I live in Founder’s and do not want to attend nor be kept awake?
The College will be sending all Founder’s residents a letter informing them of the Summer Ball. All queries regarding the arrangements put in place should be directed to the Residential Support Team. (
What date can I no longer access the Quads/Founder’s?
Access to the Quads will be closed from 30 May due to health and safety regulations and barriers will be in place to prevent access. On the night of the Summer Ball – 3 June – the following restrictions will be in place:
Founder’s East: Access to resident’s rooms will be via reception only. Room keys and College cards will need to be presented to security.
Founder’s West: Access to resident’s rooms will be via the North West door (adjacent to the hockey pitch) only. Room keys and College cards will need to be presented to security.
East-West Access: There is no access from the East side of Founder’s to the West side on the night of the Summer Ball.
Bike Sheds: It will not be possible to access the bike sheds in Founder’s between 12:00 Friday 3 June and 07:00 Saturday 4 June.
Will there be a Survivors photo and breakfast?
A Survivors photo will be taken in the South Quad at 06:00. All those who make it through will be able to grab a free breakfast on exiting the Summer Ball.
I’m banned from the Students’ Union, can I buy a ticket?
If your ban expires before the night of the Summer Ball – Friday 3 June – you will be able to purchase a ticket. Please note, you may not purchase a ticket for any person(s) who will still have a ban in force on the night of the ball.
What forms of ID will I require?
When purchasing a ticket(s) and during wristband exchange you will require your College card. On the night you will require both your College card and proof of age photographic ID (valid photo driving licence, passport, PASS holographic ID card).
See you in the quads