Who is conducting the survey?

Jointly commissioned by the SU and the University, this Commercial Review is being delivered by Nina & Co. - a unique food and drink marketing agency. They work with B2B and B2C businesses, universities and students’ unions, to help them understand their customers' needs, wants and motivations, and meet strategic challenges with confidence. They deliver powerful and inspiring insight, backed up with sound strategic advice supported by industry and sector knowledge, expertise and experience.

When does the survey close?

The survey and prize draw is open from 13:00 on Friday 20 September 2024 until 09:00 on Monday 14 October 2024.

What prizes can I win?

Every student who completes the survey will be entered into our prize draw. The winners will receive one of the following prizes: £300 cash; £50 cash. Bonus prizes TBA.

How will winners be selected?

The winners will be drawn at random using an electronic number generator from all entries received that meet the entry conditions.

When will the winners be announced?

The prize draw will take place when the web survey closes the week commencing 14 October 2024.

Winners will be notified as soon as possible after the draw has been made.

How will I know if I win a prize?

The winners will be announced on the @SURHUL Instagram channel and notified by email from marketing@su.rhul.ac.uk.