There is a strong consensus among postgraduate taught students that there is a real need for Schools, departments, the University and the Students’ Union to run more regular events throughout the academic year and increase engagement with postgraduate taught students to help foster a stronger sense of community within this cohort while studying at Royal Holloway.
1.1 Schools and departments should run more regular social events throughout the academic year for postgraduate taught students, and each School and department should review their annual budget and reserve funding for these social events. These events should be a mixture of daytime and evening activities to allow more opportunities for commuter, part-time and mature students to participate. Events could include guest lectures, informal reading groups, tea and coffee mornings or could encompass an entire day in the vein of a student-run conference. Following implementation, academic communicates could additionally run a coordinated events schedule alongside departments.
1.2 Departments and Schools should review their annual budgets and reserve funding for students to run their own regular events throughout the academic year. The English department at King’s College London, for example, has a postgraduate student-run seminar series, ‘The Abstract’, where postgraduate taught and research students meet fortnightly and present papers or discuss their work in a more informal environment outside the classroom. The convenors of The Abstract are also responsible for running their annual postgraduate student conference each year, which brings together staff, postgraduate taught and research students together for a day to listen to papers presented by postgraduate students in that department. Departments could consider allocating these funds to the academic community assigned to each department following implementation.
1.3 The Students’ Union should host a greater number of events specifically for postgraduate taught students throughout the academic year. Set events should occur each year for postgraduate taught student meet and mingle days during the separate September and January induction periods at both the London and Egham campuses, and all other events can be adjusted depending on the schedule that academic year. Events should be a mixture of daytime and evening activities to allow more opportunities for commuter, part-time and mature students to participate in the events, and the Students’ Union should liaise with the Postgraduate Taught Community Officer when planning these events.
1.4 The University, Schools, departments and the Students’ Union should consider ways they can better engage with students who are primarily based at the London Graduate School in Bloomsbury. Both the University and Students’ Union should review their current funding allocation to run more regular events throughout the academic year at the London campus, while additionally considering ways they can further connect those students with members of the postgraduate taught community on the Egham campus if they reside outside of London.
1.5 The Students’ Union should increase outreach on postgraduate taught issues and continue to offer support for postgraduate taught students. This could be done through campaigns run by student leaders, regular blogs and social media posts, the Advice Centre and our Postgraduate Taught Community Officer.
1.6 The Students’ Union should send a termly targeted email out to postgraduate taught students which reminds them of ways they can engage with their School Rep and postgraduate Course Rep to ensure they understand this is another avenue to submit feedback to their departments about their experience at Royal Holloway. Information should also include how postgraduate taught students can find their Course Rep on the Students’ Union website.
1.7 The Students’ Union should review the current level of participation among postgraduate taught students in our student groups, and further encourage postgraduate taught students to become more involved in our student groups. This recommendation aligns with recommendation 4.4 below.
1.8 The Students’ Union consider running a Buddy Scheme for postgraduate taught students during the September and January induction periods. This buddy scheme would introduce current postgraduate taught students to each other and suggest events they could attend together based upon their shared interests during the induction period.
1.9 1.9 The University should consider creating a Postgraduate Taught Student Hub on the main University website, Student Intranet and Royal Holloway App. This could be set up in a similar vein to the Doctoral School website where postgraduate taught students could find all relevant information about their course in a single place. A single webpage could streamline important information for September and January starters.