digital education 1&2

Dates published: 24/07/2020 & 15/01/2021

Digital Education 1.0 examined students’ experiences of online learning during the first UK lockdown in the spring of 2020. Eight months later, the Students’ Union launched Digital Education 2.0 to have a more nuanced understanding of students’ digital learning experiences. Both reports produced invaluable insights that highlighted the needs of students to support a successful delivery of digital and blended education.  



Report Recommendations

Below is the summary of the recommendations from the report and the progress made so far.

digital education 1.0 recommendations

Recommendation Progress
1.1 The University should develop a quality assurance policy on digital education materials, teaching, interactivity and student engagement which should be reviewed annually.  Complete
1.2 The University should ensure training of all staff on relevant digital platforms before the start of the autumn term.   Complete
1.3 The University should produce written guidance which accompanies training and is published to the University website to ensure quality and consistency when running both face-to-face and online teaching.   Complete
1.4 Departments should share with others instances of good practice where the delivery of innovative and engaging online teaching was successful during the lockdown period and student satisfaction in that department was high.   Complete
1.5 The University should set out a minimum standards approach to communication between the University, departments and students. Departments will use online platforms differently, but there needs to be a centralised standard approach which sets out consistent and clear information about the ways students can access the different online platforms at the start of the autumn term.  Complete
1.6 Lecturers and seminar leaders should provide an explanation about the differences between what would normally be the in-person delivery of teaching with its online replacement  In Progress
1.7 The online provision of teaching should be consistently implemented through the following three platforms: Moodle, Panopto and Microsoft Teams  Complete
1.8 All lectures and live stream seminars should be recorded and uploaded to course Moodle pages within a 48 hour period so that the digital education experience ensures fair access to all students. In Progress
1.9 Departments should provide captions on all recorded lectures and seminars to ensure accessibility for all students  In Progress
1.10 Lecturers and seminar leaders should upload any supporting documents like notes or PowerPoint slides to Moodle at least 24 hours before a live stream seminar.  In Progress
1.11 Departments should review reused audio-only lecture recordings on Moodle, and ask lecturers to upload supplementary PowerPoint slides to accompany the material.   In Progress
1.12 The University should work together with departments to sufficiently spread out assessments across the academic year to avoid congestion during busier periods.   Not Started
2.1 Sufficient content, resources and support on digital education should be produced and made easily accessible for all students who may experience technical difficulties with remote learning.   Complete
2.2 Support for remote learning should be signposted on the University website with clear contacts listed for students who need technological support.   Complete
2.3 The University’s Technology Support Hardship Fund should be carried over into the next academic year to help students to purchase the necessary equipment to participate in online learning.  Complete
3.1 The University should consider re-purposing the library budget on physical books for the next academic year and look instead at acquiring more electronic books and access to online journals.  In Progress
3.2 The library should run asynchronous online tutorial sessions about accessing online material.   Complete
3.3 The library should clearly signpost on their website where students can go to for additional support in accessing online resources.   Complete
3.4 Departments should review all course Moodle pages and ensure they follow the core requirements listed on the University Staff Intranet.    Not Started
3.5  Departments should streamline course Moodle pages to improve readability and improve access to online resources.   In Progress
3.6 Course convenors should review all previous lecture recordings and PowerPoint slides on Moodle and, where content has changed, should include a written explanation detailing these differences.  Not Started
4.1 CeDas should run regular asynchronous online webinars, workshops, and one-on-one online appointments throughout the academic year.  Complete
4.2 The Careers & Employability Service should run regular asynchronous online webinars, workshops and one-on-one online appointments throughout the academic year. Complete
4.3 The Student Advisory & Wellbeing Service should run regular asynchronous online webinars, workshops and one-on-one appointments throughout the academic year.  In Progress
4.4 DDS should update their webpage with more information about the ways they can offer remote learning support for DDS students.  In Progress
4.5 The Doctoral school should run regular asynchronous online webinars and workshops like the Researcher Development programme throughout the academic year.  Complete
5.1  Departments and courses should consider ways they can foster a better student-community through extracurricular activities such as live weekly quizzes.   In Progress
5.2 Departments should provide support for students studying online so that they feel like a part of the campus community.   In Progress
5.3 Departments should provide support to academic societies in order to better foster peer-to-peer community engagement and academic support.   In Progress
5.4 The Students’ Union should work closely with departments to support Academic Reps and provide a structured outlet which allows students to actively communicate with Course and Department Reps.   Complete
5.5 The Students’ Union should support student group leaders to consider the ways societies, sports teams and media outlets can engage with members online.   Complete



digital education 2.0 recommendations

Recommendation Progress
1.1  All lectures and live stream seminars should be recorded and uploaded to course Moodle pages within a 48 hour period so that the digital education experience ensures fair access to all students.  In Progress
1.2 All classes should run to time. Where a class runs over its allotted time as advertised, a recording must be made available so students are not disadvantaged by needing to leave to attend another class.  Not Started
1.3 AV should assess the microphones in each lecture and seminar room and produce a very simple diagram of where lapel microphones should be placed for optimal sound quality.  In Progress
1.4 Lapel microphones should be the default microphone in a room. A simple diagram should be produced where lapel microphones should be placed for optimal sound quality. In Progress
1.5 Staff should be offered refresher training for the use of online resources like Panopto, Microsoft Teams and Moodle.   In Progress
1.6 The University should offer regular inclusive activities throughout the academic term so students can become more familiar and confident with Microsoft Teams. Regular training activities will be conducted with the aim to increase student engagement around camera and microphone use.  In Progress
1.7 Lecturers and seminar leaders should offer more opportunities for breaks as students are suffering online fatigue.  In Progress
1.8 All departments should ensure students only have access to the Teams invite links for the classes they attend.  In Progress
1.9 The online attendance registration system should be placed in a more widely accessible place, such as a button on the intranet landing page or the Microsoft Teams class invites.  In Progress
2.1 The University IT services should make training on Microsoft Teams more readily available and easily accessible for students.  Complete
2.2 Departments should streamline course Moodle pages to improve readability and improve access to online resources. They should also remain consistent with the way they date classes at the start of each Term.  In Progress
2.3 A software should be sourced by the University which enables closed captioning to be automatically added to Microsoft Teams recordings.  Not Started
2.4 Wellbeing Services and the Students’ Union should collaborate and produce new material about self-motivation and study help to be available for online students.  Not Started
2.5 The University Wellbeing Services should clarify on their website and in their outreach to students that appointments with Wellbeing advisors can be done through video calls or the chat function on Microsoft Teams for those students who have privacy concerns with online appointments.   Complete
2.6 Departments should create a minimum standards approach for personal tutors, wherein personal tutors must reach out to all students who they have been assigned to and invite them to an introduction meeting at the start of Term One. In Progress
2.7 The University should review current staff resources and the number of students assigned to each personal tutor to ensure staff are able to successfully engage with each student they have been assigned.  In Progress
2.8 The University should consider including financial aid for data packages and Wi-Fi support within the Digitally Disadvantaged Fund for students who are studying at home, and look into improving internet connectivity on campus for students who are participating in online sessions.  Complete
3.1 The University should consider including financial aid for data packages and Wi-Fi support within the Digitally Disadvantaged Fund for students who are studying at home, and look into improving internet connectivity on campus for students who are participating in online sessions.  Complete
3.2 Departments should provide support to academic societies in order to better foster peer-to-peer community engagement and academic support.  In Progress
3.3 The Students’ Union should support student group leaders to consider the ways societies, sports clubs and media outlets can engage with members online.  Complete