Societies, Sports & Opportunities Executive

The Societies, Sports and Opportunities (SSO) Executive is responsible for ratifying new student groups, including acting as an impartial adjudicator in issues of duplication, as well as approving the process for the annual allocation of resources to student groups. The Executive also holds the Vice President Societies & Sport accountable for their work, providing support and acting as a friend.

It also provides support for democratic functions within student groups, acting as an impartial observer for General Meetings and other events. The Executive advise the Officer Group and other Executives on issues relating to the success of student groups.


  • Vice President Societies & Sport (Chair)
  • President
  • Ten student group members
  • Up to two co-opted members approved on an annual basis

How do I get involved?

To be a member of this Executive, you need to run as a candidate in the Executives Election. You will only be able to run in the elections where you have a purchased membership to a student group. The entire elections process takes place online.

Find out more
