academic rep Volunteer Form
If you’ve got here, that means you’re interested in becoming either a course rep or senior course rep. We’re really excited for the new academic year and can’t wait to get going.
Unfortunately, we're not currently recruiting academic reps, but if you'd like a little bit more information, you can find out what reps do. The next period of recruitment will be during term two, for January starting courses, and to elect School Reps for the 2023-24 academic year.
Not sure who your reps are? Use our handy Find My Rep function!
However, if you've found your way here because your course doesn't have a Course Rep or Senior Course Rep and are interested in becoming a rep, please get in touch with us at voice@su.rhul.ac.uk.
Key changes for 2022/23
This year, there are a couple of new elements in the academic rep system that will help us to ensure that the varying student experiences are captured across the university.
Academic representation structure
The Students’ Union has been working towards improving the current academic representation structure based on the feedback and findings they have collected since the current system began in 2018. This means that after a lot of research, discussions, and consultations, there are some changes to the system which will be implemented next year. The changes will see the removal of the Department Rep role and instead, a Senior Course rep role will be introduced to bridge the gap between course reps and school reps.
Senior course reps will be responsible for gathering feedback from students and providing feedback to staff. They support course reps as peers, work alongside the academic staff and share chairing responsibilities of regular departmental meetings. If you have previously been a Course Rep then the role is a great way of progressing into a higher level of academic representation, or if you are new to academic representation at Royal Holloway, becoming a Senior Course Rep gives you the opportunity to support your course reps and improve the academic experience while gaining lots of transferable skills at the same time.
The Senior Course rep role is voluntary and un-capped which means any UG and PGT student can be in the role. This structure means that there are multiple points of contact for course reps, school reps, and staff, rather than having a single point of contact in the form of one UG and one PGT Department Rep.
Senior course reps are recruited and trained in term three, which ensures there is a level of representation in place over the summer period. The only requirement is that you are a student, studying at Royal Holloway during the 2022/23 academic year. So if you're a first or second-year student, or a third-year continuing into your fourth year or moving onto a PGT course, you can sign up!
If you have any further questions, please get in touch at voice@su.rhul.ac.uk.