Officer Lead:
Olivia Davies - VP Wellbeing & Diversity
11-15 November
Welcome to Wobble Week—a fun-filled campaign week designed to help you find your balance at university! Whether you're new to campus or a seasoned student, this week is all about connecting with the amazing teams at your SU and across the University.
The start of the academic year can feel a bit wobbly and overwhelming, which is completely normal! So, this week is here to help you settle in, make new friends, and discover the support and opportunities available to you.
Each day, you’ll also have the opportunity to chat with a staff member from the SU or University if you’re having a wobble or simply fancy a chat!
Join us for a week of exciting events, friendly faces, and plenty of smiles as we help you wobble less and smile more!
Fri 15 Nov 2024
Next up in our Wobble Week 101 series is ‘Meet, Greet and Get Settled’. Each day of wobble week brings an opportunity to chat with SU representatives or university staff members who understand the student experience and are here to help you thrive.
Tue 05 Nov 2024
University life can be both exciting and terrifying (often at the same time!). Juggling lectures, academic commitments, and deadlines alongside friendships, relationships, sports, societies, and part-time employment can often make striking the balance between work and life feel impossible.
Mon 28 Oct 2024
From 11 November to 15 November, join us for a week filled with events, activities, and friendly faces designed to help you find your footing, make connections, and discover the incredible resources available to you at university.
Fri 03 Nov 2023
Last week, VP Wellbeing and Diversity Nisha hosted the first-ever Wobble Week at Royal Holloway bringing students across campus together for fun, friendly and free activities. Take a look at what we got up to!
Thu 26 Oct 2023
Managing academic commitments, relationships, deadlines, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance can be challenging. This blog will provide you with some top tips to help you manage these aspects of university life!
Tue 24 Oct 2023
It's easy to overlook the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle while you're at university. However, there is a strong connection between physical activity, healthy eating, and mental wellbeing so it's vital that you look after yourself on all fronts!