Become an Activist
The word activism can sometimes sound a bit scary and many people who are engaging in the social change movement shy away from calling themselves activists for fear that they aren’t doing enough, that their contribution isn’t large enough. The truth is, however, that every effort, big or small, that we make to promote healthy sexual relationships and challenge rape culture is activism and contributes towards the wider movement to end sexual violence and harassment.
Every little helps:
- Donate to charities like Rape Crisis and SurvivorsUK either directly or, to make it even easier, websites like Savoo and Go Raise allow you to fundraise for free just by shopping online.
- Have conversations with your friends, siblings, colleagues and online followers about consent, gender stereotypes, sexual violence and harassment and engage in debates. You may not change the opinions of everyone, but at the very least you’re giving them access to arguments that they may not have heard otherwise.
- Share around articles, videos, or other online content that aim to educate people about consent and sexual assault.
- Question what you read online, in the media, on television and in film and ask yourself whether it is promoting or perpetuating rape culture and gender stereotypes.
Make a wave:
- Organise a fundraising/campaign to raise funds for a charity or awareness of the movement. RHSU is always keen to support student activism so if you want a hand getting started get in touch.
- Attend the Million Women Rise demonstration in London on 10th March. More information can be found here, www.millionwomenrise.com.
NB This march is for self-defining women only.
- Email your local MP to ask for more policy to reflect the continuing gap between men and women in this country. To find out more details visit, fairdealforwomen.com.
- Join the campaign UK Says No More to end sexual violence and assault. Their 2018 campaign is yet to be announced but their website has lots of links to partner events including theatre, conferences, and demonstrations.
- Tender is an arts and education charity committed to preventing domestic abuse and sexual violence among young people. As a small charity, we are supporting them this week to assist them in their work. One of the fantastic ways you can contribute to Tender is by joining their Youth Board. More information can be found here, tender.org.uk/our-story/youth- board/.
- Become a trustee of a charity tackling sexual violence. Being a charity trustee is a hugely valuable and rewarding experience and lots of charities really appreciate the contribution of young people on their boards. To find out more about being a trustee, visit www.gov.uk/guidance/charity-trustee-whats-involved and to find open positions visit www.charityjob.co.uk/volunteer-jobs/trustees.
Getting Involved with 1 in 3
During the campaign week we will be running a range of events that you can get involved in. The following events rely on you to be successful:
- Postcard Stall During the week we are asking one simple question that we can use to lobby the college to meet our further aims: How important is it to you that the college proactively work to tackle sexual assault on campus? By filling out one of our postcards and by adding your own testimonies, thoughts and ideas, you will help us show the college that ending sexual assault on campus is a priority for our students.
- Craft & Care We will be decorating t-shirts to be used in our art installation challenging victim blaming. This event is designed as a safe space for survivors and their friends to find support, speak in a non-confrontational and confidential setting whilst doing something creative and empowering.
- Bystander Intervention Training Come along to our workshop on how you can safely intervene if you witness a sexual assault or harassment and get clued about how you get help survivors of sexual assault.
- Charity Cabaret Night Help support the work of two amazing charities, SurvivorsUK and Tender by coming to watch some of very talented students present a night of theatrical performances.
Beyond the week we will be taking on a number of lobbying objectives to further the objective to end sexual assault on campus and to provide as much support for survivors as possible. Our objectives are as follows:
- The implementation of an anonymous violence and harassment reporting platform. A huge amount of work has already been done on this by the University welfare team but we want to see it higher on the University’s agenda.
- An online mandatory consent module. We will be taking forward an idea that was submitted on the Bright Ideas platform and helping the student to push for the module to be included as a compulsory module for first years. Research has shown that many students of University age have not engaged in any educational discussions about consent prior to attending University so the implementation of this online module will help improve all students’ understanding of consent.
- Free regular counselling session for survivors of sexual assault. SU President, Natasha Barrett, is liaising with Victim Support to arrange free, confidential and impartial counselling for survivors of sexual assault that will be take place in the SU building. We will be working with the college counselling service to make sure that students seeking support are known to the university in case they need more support in other areas.
- Extra training for student security staff. VP Societies and Media, Pippa Gentry, and VP Welfare and Diversity, Willow Wong, alongside the SU Trading Services staff are developing and delivering specialised training for our student security staff on how they can best support students who experience sexual assault and harassment in our venues.
In order to make all of these things a reality we will need your help and input. To keep up to date with the campaign please look out for #1in3 and for updates on SU social media and emails.