Officer Leads:
Hannah Hockin - President & Nisha Bundhun - VP Wellbeing & Diversity
8-12 January 2024
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week 2024 brings exciting events, education and raising awareness about alcohol and drug usage. The main aim of this campaign is to create a healthy, inclusive culture and give students strategies to help reduce the harmful impact of drugs and alcohol.
From sharing our top 10 ways to enjoy yourself sober to opening up discussions to Mocktail Making - we've planned a week of information and activities to get you thinking about your relationship with drugs and alcohol.
As your SU, we want you to feel safe on and off campus. We know that sometimes it can be easy to feel pressure to drink more than you want to and we know alcohol and drugs can get in the way of your relationships or studies.
We're here with a reminder that you're not alone. If you're concerned about your or a friend’s drug or alcohol use, you can talk to someone, in confidence, without worrying about getting in trouble. Remember you always deserve support. You can seek help from any of the support services listed below.
Thu 16 Jan 2025
Whether you're looking to attend sober events, explore new hobbies, or just unwind in a healthy way, the possibilities are endless. Here's a list of 10 fun ways to enjoy yourself without alcohol and prove that you do
Thu 11 Jan 2024
As a university student, you are likely to face various stressors and challenges while studying. While it's okay to unwind and relax, it's crucial to be mindful of how our choices, especially regarding alcohol and drugs, can affect our mental and physical health.
Thu 11 Jan 2024
It's time to foster a culture that embraces diversity and respects individual choices. Sober shaming has no place in our campus community. Let's work together to create an environment where everyone feels valued and included.
Wed 10 Jan 2024
Feeling thirsty? Whether you're having a drink at home or in our venues, here's a list of lip-smacking drinks to tickle your taste buds.
Wed 10 Jan 2024
Feeling a bit stressed or in need of a pick-me-up? Most people turn to alcohol or other substances when they are feeling like this in an attempt to change their mood. However, it's best to try and shift your mood in a more natural way such as boosting your endorphins!
Mon 08 Jan 2024
Hannah and Nisha share 10 SOBER ways to enjoy yourself in Egham.