Campaign Leads:
JJ Littleton - Disabled Students Community Officer, Sharanya Sivarajah - President & Madelaine Gray - VP Education
16 November - 16 December 2024
Welcome to Disability History Month 2024! Lead by SU President - Sharanya Sivarajah, VP Education - Madelaine Gray, and Disabled Students’ Community Officer- JJ Littleton, we are proud to focus on the theme of Disability Livelihood and Employment. This month is about exploring the rich history of disabled individuals in the workforce, their contributions, and the barriers they continue to overcome.
Employment is not just a means of survival; it’s a key to independence, identity, and social inclusion. Throughout history, disabled people have faced countless challenges in accessing fair employment, but they have also made invaluable contributions, transforming workplaces and society in the process.
This campaign seeks to shed light on the persistent inequalities in job access, wage equity, and workplace accommodations, while also celebrating the resilience and achievements of the disabled community. Join us in honouring the trailblazers, learning from past struggles, and working together to create a more inclusive future where disability and livelihood go hand in hand.
We'll be collaborating with our incredible student groups as well as taking to the stage for the return of the much-anticipated, Disability Looks Like Me Creativity Showcase. No matter how you celebrate it’s bound to be an enjoyable time, and I’m looking forward to celebrating the month with all students across campus.
Together, we can reimagine the world of work—one where disability is not a barrier but a pathway to opportunity, dignity, and equality.
Fri 22 Nov 2024
Here are actionable tips for employers looking to build truly inclusive spaces—from improving physical accessibility to offering flexible accommodations and fostering an inclusive culture.
Fri 22 Nov 2024
As part of this year’s theme for Disability History Month: Livelihood and Employment, this blog celebrates the resilience, ingenuity, and achievements of disabled entrepreneurs who have transformed obstacles into opportunities, establishing thriving businesses on their own terms.