Maybe One Day.

These ideas didn't receive the number of votes needed to pass at the moment. After three months they'll be eligible to be resubmitted onto the platform.

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  • 6 score
    8 voters

    Queue relief at the SU/Medicine nights

      On events nights like Monday/Wednesday/Friday nights, the bar queue are always terribly long (10-30 minutes), leading to upset students and stressed staff. I therefore suggest that the SU invest in wending machines that serves alcohol. These can for example serve beer/cider/wine and easily be placed around the event site and does not require staff to run them. They work like coffee wending machines but with plastic cups, and so the student can just insert coins, choose a drink, get it poured in the cup by the machine/served, then walk away. It might seem like stupid idea, but I know that this has been implemented at some Scandinavian universities with good reviews from students.
    Cecilie Lorentsen
    5:53pm on 24 Oct 16 I would like to add that if credit cards and/or student card payment technology could be added rather than just coins, then that would be even more efficient!

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    Royal Holloway Students' Union values free speech and recognises that debate and lively discussion are important parts of any democratic organisation. With this in mind, we aim to moderate discussion on this platform only where absolutely necessary. Posts warranting moderation include those which we consider to breach our Equality and Diversity Policy, our Freedom of Speech Policy, our Code of Practice, or our overall aim to create a democratic environment free from abuse, intimidation or harassment. If you are concerned about any posts on this site, please email