Maybe One Day.

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  • 11 score
    19 voters

    better food and increased portion sizes at founders

      There isn't really much of a selection for vegetarians, vegans and halal, even sometimes the normal meat eaters. The food is frozen we all know that but when I had to eat an undercooked churro I got bit worried. The menu that is released outside is 9 times out of 10 not what is available inside even at the beginning of dinner hour. There is not much creativity either for 2 days in a row they've been selling pizza and chips and i'm not that big of a fan of curry so I didn't have much choice, I'm trying not to be a spoilt brat but if the students at royal are paying all this money in accommodation for a catered hall and are only given undercooked food, mushrooms and pizza all the time with pathetic portion sizes btw, I feel like there is room for improvement. If only one thing on this list is completed i'll be happy, maybe starting with portion sizes and food for vegetarians/vegans/and those with religious beliefs, as we're not given an oven or a freezer so majority of the time they're either not eating or having crappy microwaved meals.
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