Supporting you to undertake this role is paramount for us and there are several ways we will be doing this. If you have a specific issue and you're not sure who to go to, email the Academic Communities Coordinator.
Academic rep newsletter
Every month we will be sending you the Academic Rep Newsletter via email. This will include key updates relevant to your role, info about upcoming development workshops, Officer updates and picks from Your Impact, so keep an eye on your inbox!
Academic Rep System
If you’re looking for help talking through an issue that your peers have with their programme, or you don’t know who to go to in your department, there are several layers of academic representation, so it is probably best to have a chat with the rep in the next layer.
So, if you’re a course rep, you should have a chat with your senior course reps; senior course reps should head to their school rep etc.
Programme / Department Staff
Under the Academic Rep Partnership Agreement (find this on the Resources page to your left), departments have a responsibility to work with you to make sure the academic representation system is a success. They should all be open and willing to talk to you about whatever issue you have, or to signpost you to another staff member. The SU keeps a list of Key Contacts who are responsible for supporting reps within each department – if you’re not sure who to talk to about something, email the Academic Communities Coordinator who can check and tell you who’s best to chat to.
Students' Union Staff
And, of course, our team within the SU are here to guide you should you need us!
Madelaine Gray (VP Education) // vpeducation@su.rhul.ac.uk
Lauryn Fleming (Academic Communities Coordinator) // voice@su.rhul.ac.uk
Laura Black (Student Voice Manager) // voice@su.rhul.ac.uk