The Breakdown.
Running the charitable side of the Union (excluding our trading services such as Tommy’s Kitchen or the Union Venue), costs around £1.37M per year.
This includes Student Voice, Student Opportunities and Marketing and Communications, as well as the back office support for these operations and general running costs.
To put things into context, this is about £520k more than the College gives us in our annual block grant, so we need to make up the difference ourselves. We do this by generating a contribution through a variety of trading activities, such as our shop and bars, as well as through advertising, our weekly food market and other marketing offers.
20k Strategic investment Every year we make investments in projects that we feel will have long term benefits. For example, previously this has funded a new lighting grid for the main hall and our representation review which has helped to reshape academic representation on campus.
125k Buildings and infrastructure With our main building doubling up as a night club we have a number of considerable costs to ensure it is both cleaned and maintained. The cost of keeping our venues safe and secure are also in this budget line.
190k Marketing and comms This covers the cost of running our website, all our design work and generating income through advertising and our market days.
250k HR, finance and IT Exactly what it says on the tin. The less glamorous stuff that every organisation needs in order to function.
380k Student voice We support over 330 course and faculty reps to make changes in their department while our elected officers represent your views in order to make your life better at Royal Holloway.
405k Student opportunities Helping our 140 student groups with direct funding, administration and guidance, and delivering our Give It A Go programme and Helpdesk.
TOTAL: £1.37m
As you can see, there is lots to consider and we regularly review our costs to make sure we are spending in the most efficient way and within our means. The support costs may seem high, but if you think about keeping our venues repaired and cleaned, that we need decent IT for over 50 workstations, that all of the income and expenditure needs to be accurately processed and that all of our staff need to be recruited and trained then paid each month, the costs soon start to mount up.