Royal Holloway Students' Union exists to advance the education of students at Royal Holloway for the public benefit by:
- Promoting the interests and welfare of students at Royal Holloway during the course of their study and representing, supporting and advising students;
- Being the recognised representative channel between students and Royal Holloway, University of London and any other external bodies; and
- Providing social, cultural, sporting and recreational activities and forums for discussions and debate for the personal development of students.
Legally, the Union is a democratic charity (charity number 1141998) and must follow the laws and regulations which govern UK charity organisations. This includes the publishing of our accounts and annual report via the Charity Commission website.
Now let's break down that legalese a little bit. As we said at the start, we represent student voices and interests but that's just one slice of the pie when it comes to what we’re about. We’re also responsible for running all the sports clubs and societies (think of these as communities of students coming together to form a group around a shared interest or hobby) on campus ensuring there’s always an outlet for your passions, while we cook up a mean burger in our bars.
Away from the bar, we run an Advice Centre that offers confidential, impartial, and independent advice, while we also run free events with our Give It A Go programme, and loads more!