Kate Roberts

Kate Roberts


About Me

Hi everyone! I’m Kate and I am your Students’ Union President.

My role is to represent your views to the University and lobby for changes to improve student life at Royal Holloway. I also have a large role in the Students’ Union’s governance, overseeing many of the things that go on here at the SU.

Engagement is a significant part of my role and something I will be focusing on more this year. We are the representative voice of students on campus, and we want to make sure that you as students feel represented by your SU and feel a part of what we do.

I also work on various campaigns lobbying for change that matters to you. This year I will be looking at inclusivity, sustainability, and supporting students with any potential upcoming changes associated with the Coronavirus pandemic.

I will be leading a key piece of research this year, launching a policy inquiry into student housing. This will produce a Student Voice Report detailing areas of improvement within housing support that we can use to better support you and lobby the University for change.

If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch!

The Role

The Students’ Union President is the Chair of the Board of Trustees, sits on the highest decision making committee at Royal Holloway, College Council, and is the figurehead of the Students’ Union.

They lead on key campaigns and are heavily involved in all major strategic projects that will directly impact the lives of students on campus.

What I'm Working On

Latest Blogs

Uni 101: The Savvy Student

Wed 18 Sep 2024

Cost of living is still affecting students disproportionately. Our maintenance loans have not gone up in line with inflation since 2020/21 and are behind by about 11%. The government’s own figures that the loan would need to rise by 15.5% this year to maintain the value of support in real terms, as compared with the 2020/21 year.

Uni 101: Student Safety

Wed 18 Sep 2024

Student safety is a massive priority for us here at the Union, so I've put together a list of teams and services you can use to support throughout your time here at Royal Holloway.

NUS Lead and Change 2024

Thu 01 Aug 2024

Last week, the Sabbs attended the annual NUS Lead and Change Conference. Find out what went down!

Meet Your President - Sharanya Sivarajah

Mon 29 Jul 2024

After a year as your VP Education, Sharanya Sivarajah is back and ready to lead the Students' Union for 2024/25.

Board of Trustees Update - June 2024

Mon 15 Jul 2024

Back in June, our Board of Trustees met to discuss a number of key topics including our incorporation, 2024-25 budget, and strategic plan to name a few.

SU Security Review Update: 100% Bag and Person Checks

Mon 01 Jul 2024

In Term Two, we announced the Students’ Union would be reviewing the current bag and person search policy for our two late-night venues, Medicine and the SU Venue. It’s time to share the results of your feedback!