

What should I do if my loan comes in late?

The first thing you should do is log on to your account or call Student Finance to find out what the hold up has been and when they expect to be able to pay the loan to you (and the University!). You should then get in touch with Student Services to let them know that your loan will be late and you’re likely to have a problem paying your fees and for your accommodation- they’ll be able to answer your questions or point you in the right direction depending on your individual circumstances. If you’re in desperate need of financial help, the University may be able to provide a short term loan which you can pay back once you get your finance through from the Student Finance company.

I'm an International/EU Student, how do I open a UK bank account?

Many UK banks now offer accounts tailored to students who aren’t permanently resident in the UK. These are generally basic accounts, but some offer a wider range of facilities. Be picky- not all of them offer everything you might want, and some charge fees. In order to open an account, you’ll need your passport and Visa or your EU ID card, a letter confirming your place at the University and proof of address in the UK, and with some banks, also in your home country.

I'm having trouble budgeting, what should I do?

There’s plenty of information available on the College website , and if you wish to speak to someone about your budget, you can book an appointment with the Advice and Support Centre or the Financial Support team.

I need some help with my bills or living costs, where should I go?

If you’re having trouble balancing your costs or getting a part time job, or you’ve got an unexpected big expense that family or friends can’t provide you with a short loan for, the first thing you need to do is inform the landlord/company that you won’t be able to make the payment on time. Many companies and landlords will be able to agree an alternative payment schedule or later deadline if you ask promptly, can make a realistic plan for payment in the near future and outline the reasons for your request.

There’s plenty of information available on the College website. Visit them to find out more. There are also many charities who may be able to offer financial assistance. Turn2us is a good place to start looking to see if you’re eligible for any of the funds available. Some students will be able to claim some state benefits, but most won’t be eligible due to their student status. There’s more information on the Government website. We’d never advise any student to consider a loan from a ‘loan shark’- talk to someone from Support and Advisory Services as the College or the Advice and Support Centre if you’re even thinking about considering this option!