Overall Performance - Key Performance indicators

Organisations measure their success against targets by using KPIs. These are Key Performance Indicators that put numbers to the task we aim to achieve. It means we can measure success and you can see exactly what we are aiming to do. We will monitor performance against these targets over the coming months and years. One of the main ways we do this is by asking you what you think of the Students' Union and the work we do for you. So keep an eye out and provide us feedback whenever you can so that we can ensure we are delivering for you. 

Objective 2024 Baseline Target 2025 Target 2027
The Students' Union makes student life better at Royal Holloway N/A 85% 90%
I am satisfied with the Students' Union at Royal Holloway 84.8% 85% 90%
The Students' Union has a positive impact on my life at Royal Holloway 80% 85% 90%
I know how the Students' Union works and how decisions are made 59.4% 65% 80%
I am kept well informed about what the Students' Union does 74.6% 75% 85%
Building Communities for all Students
I feel a sense of belonging to one or more communities at Royal Holloway 70% 75% 85%
I feel supported in my community role and it helps the community to thrive N/A 50% 80%
I feel empowered as a leader and see the success of my communtiy N/A 50% 80%
The Students' Union celebrates students in their communities and values their contributions N/A 50% 80%
Building Stronger Student Voice and Representation
The Students' Union actively seeks out and engages students on their opinions 65% 70% 90%
The Students' Union represents me on the issues that matter to me 65% 70% 90%
The Students' Union provides me with the tools and opportunity to effect change in my community N/A 50% 80%
The Students' Union improves student life at Royal Holloway 70% 75% 85%
Providing Inclusive Activity and Spaces
Students' Union events and activities promote a sense of belonging on campus N/A 60% 80%
The Students' Union provides events and activities which are entertaining and fun 88.3% 90% 95%
Students' Union supports and empowers student-led activity on campus N/A 50% 70%
The Students' Union provides safe and inclusive spaces on campus 70% 75% 90%
Providing Advice and Advocating for Students
The Students' Union provide clear and useful advice and guidance on university life 60% 70% 80%
The Students' Union is there for me when I need advice 64% 70% 80%
I am satisfied with the service the Advice Centre gave me when I needed advice N/A 60% 90%
The Students' Union advocates on my behalf and creates effective change 65% 70% 80%