Officer Lead:
Henn Warwick - Vice President Wellbeing & Diversity
17 - 23 May 2021
RHSU Stands Together is a kick-off campaign that initiates a long-term piece of work aimed at addressing the overall culture of the SU and the University as well as bringing issues of racism and religious discrimination to the forefront of our work. This work will continue into the next academic year focusing on other aspects such as decolonisation of the curriculum and our services.
Over the campaign week, there are in-person events to get involved with, blogs to read and an Instagram series focusing on anti-racism and celebrating our diverse student body. I look forward to seeing you at the events, and hope you get involved with the campaign as much as possible! If you have any further thoughts or questions, as always please feel free to get in contact with me at vpwellbeingdiversity@su.rhul.ac.uk.
Henn Warwick, VP Wellbeing & Diversity
Union Shop survey
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News & Updates
Throughout the week we'll be hearing from a range of Royal Holloway students about their experiences.
Stay tuned for news articles throughout the week.