Eton Fives

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About us

We are Royal Holloway Eton Fives, and play the minority sport created at Eton College. We meet once a week at Eton College, train for a couple of hours, and then often adjourn to the pub.

It is a sport that is simple to learn and play, and is open to both men and women who enjoy it on an equal playing field both socially and competitively.

We pride ourselves as a thoroughly social, open and friendly club, and fives is the perfect sport to pick up at university; particularly if you are less confident playing more competitive sport.


Purchasing a membership allows you to compete in all of our weekly and larger-scale national tournaments. It covers varsity, travel to and from fixtures and tournaments, and club equipment.

As a member you will have full access to equipment, training facilities and coaching from experienced players. Furthermore, you will meet a group of friendly and like-minded people who may well become your friends for life!

Events and Activities

Throughout the year we hold training sessions weekly, with regular post-training socials at the Happy Man pub. We also hold whole-club socials on a regular basis, with themes, fancy dress and storylines for each social.

These are the driving force behind the club, and serve as great bonding for the pairs and the club as a whole. There is also the annual tour to the Northern national competition held at Shrovesbury school, which is a few days spent in the town, enjoying the culture and local sights.

Contact Us

The committee look forward to welcoming new members for the upcoming year, and have set up a few ways to communicate with the club and committee.

We have a dedicated Facebook Group, RHUL Eton Fives, which is the first point of communication with other club members and committee, and where we will put the majority of our updates for the club.

We also have two Zoom calls scheduled, on the 30th of September and 7th of October, at 12 noon. Please email us at, or message Ted Murray on Facebook for a link to the Zoom call or to answer any quick questions you may have.



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