About us
The time has come to announce the official return of the Psychology Society! Many of you wondered where the Psychology Society was for the 2024/25 academic year. And here is the truth, we have been taking the time to ensure that the society is the best it can be. The Psychology department at Royal Holloway is such a notorious establishment, and as such there are many students looking to network, socialize and learn with each other and with experts in the field. Running the society is a huge task and requires a lot of planning!
We have 4 main aims for this year:
1. Create a structured and organised society that will once again hold its place as one of the top societies at Royal Holloway.
2. Provide exclusive opportunities for members to further their academic careers.
3. Create a safe space for Psychology students to communicate openly, make friends, and be a point of contact for those struggling with their well-being.
4. Create a balance that accounts for all kinds of students, particularly first-generation students, commuting students, etc.
That being said, we want the experience of being a Psychology Society member to be beneficial to each and every student. Please be in contact with us with ideas for events and programmes which you may be of interest to you.
There is a single-tier system, so all memberships cost the same and will have access to the same events. Your membership fee contributes towards planning and executing events, to ensure that members are having the best time possible.
Events and Activities
Over the course of the year, members can expect to participate in a wide range of events and activities:
- Regular society get-togethers (i.e., pub crawls, movie nights, study cafes)
- Expert Talks
- Networking Opportunities
- Career talks
Contact Us
We are really looking forward to meeting each and every one of you and cannot wait to implement a wide range of events and activities for you all to enjoy.
In the meantime, please don't hesitate to get in contact with us by emailing psychology@royalholloway.su.
Make sure to check out our Instagram page, this is our main way of communicating with our members about upcoming events and updates (we have some very exciting stuff planned for this platform, so stay tuned..)
We understand that it can be quite daunting joining a new society (especially if you don’t know anybody at first), but we strongly encourage you to get involved and you are always welcome to message one of our committee members privately if you’d like some support or even a familiar face to help you out.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
PsychSoc committee x