
Welcome to Pak Soc! The family that would help to make you feel at home while being far, The team that is empowered by the pakistani culture and plans to bring it to rhul, while enhancing the beauty of all the traditions and culture of Pakistan.

if you’re interested in learning more about Pakistani culture and traditions, and are ready to make new friends and memories make sure you join the Pakistan Society. If someone asked us why join pak soc, we as a team we would answer that this where we met the best of our friends, this is where having chai at 3am doesnt feel dumb and you can become a part of the very best & exciting upcoming events: such as, Desi nights, Movie Nights, Shisha and Chai nights, accompanied with traditional Pakistani board games and even a grand mock mehndi!! 
As proud Pakistani’s we also represent Pakistan's art and values with the events such as Qawali nights and Mehfil nights (Poetry nights), and don't worry about being alone during Ramadan, we'll be hosting loads of sehris and iftaars! make sure you join us as you'll have the chance to taste delicious Pakistani cuisine! 

We also love collaborating with other universities to offer you the best of the best when it comes to the grand Pakistani events experience.

So make sure to come along and join us and become a part of our crazy fun family!

I!Warning!! Expect loads of laughter,  hardcore dancing & unforgettably good food :)





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