
About us

Since the society was established, we have dedicated ourselves to all your social and academic needs through our range of social events and opportunities to enrich your love of history. This includes talks with academics, historical socials and activities, as well as the chance to write for our magazine called Historia!

Our main aim is to create an environment for anyone who has an interest in history, and would like to explore it in a more casual setting. So whether you study history as a degree or are looking for people who share your love of Horrible Histories, look no further!


Buying a membership will give you access to all our upcoming events, and allows you to be a part of our close-knit community of like-minded individuals with a love for history!

As a member, you will get first priority over tickets for our events and activities such as the Annual Tour, along with discounted tickets to our themed Balls and other events, as well as the opportunity to voice your opinion on the activities and direction of the society such as where to go on our Annual Tour. 

Events and Activities

Our main social events throughout the year are:

TERM 1 - Freshernalia (Greco-Roman Pub Crawl), Casino Speakeasy Night, Ghost Tour and Murder Mystery Night.

TERM 2 - London Trips, Academic Talks and Our Annual Tour abroad.

TERM 3 - The Davison Cup, and Annual Boat Party down the River Thames.

During each term, we also run a variety of smaller events including: regular pub socials, quizzes, film nights, museum crawls, ghost tours, London trips and Mini-Tours in the UK just to name a few.

Contact Us

We are really looking forward to welcoming new members and answering any questions you may have, whether it be about the society, university life or us as a committee! 

No elections are currently running





  • History Standard Membership (Full Year)£8.00
  • History Standard Membership (Term Two & Three)£5.00

Why do I have to pay for my membership?

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Not ready to commit to a membership?

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  • History Standard Membership (Full Year)£8.00
  • History Standard Membership (Term Two & Three)£5.00
Communications Officer
Marion Douglas
Deputy Magazine Editor
Thomas Miller
Events Officer
Zeynep Celik Kocak
First Year Representative
Isabella Wilder
Magazine Editor
Jasmine Fry
Postgraduate Representative
Tommy Hanmer
Abigail Fostekew
Kiera Conley
Tour Officer
Victoria Stricker
Ceriann Bebb
Vice President
Zoe Schoppen
Wellbeing Secretary
Ashleigh Bray