
Welcome to the official page of Royal Holloway's Geography Society!

For details concerning which membership to purchase, please see the Membership section.

About Us

GeogSoc is a society that supports the further exploration of geography to the department's students and aims to continue building our community outside of academic hours. The geography department is a small one and we believe this society plays a large role in fostering these relationships, between both students and staff!

We offer both academic and non-academic events to our members and believe in making events that are accessible to all, whether financially or socially. We also love welcoming students from other departments and all of our events are open to anyone wtih an interest in any aspect of geography! 


Our "Standard Membership" is £5 and is available for purchase if you began your studies at Royal Holloway anytime from September 2022 to the present. If you began your studies in September 2021 or earlier, you may remember we used to have a different membership system and therefore may have already paid during that phase. We recieved feedback last year from our members in this situation that they did not want to pay a second time, and so for ease of transition as we joined the SU, we made our memberships free last year. Because of this, if you have already paid a membership in the past, please feel free to purchase our £0 "Free Membership" just to be put onto our list of members. If you have never paid for a membership (regardless of when you joined the uni), we would highly encourage you to purchase the £5 option. This helps fund our events throughout the year and enables us to make events free for you all!

If you would like to attend any GeogSoc events, whether UG or PG, we highly encourage you to purchase the applicable membership so that we have a running list of everyone. This is very helpful in sending out important information about new events and opportunities – but don't worry, we won't spam you!

Events and Activities

We regularly update our noticeboard outside the lecture theater in Queen's building with upcoming events, links to our socials, and other notifications. We also post event updates regularly on our Instagram page. 

Our events include:

  • Regular casual socials
  • Fresher's Fair
  • Coffee Mornings
  • Christmas formal
  • Geography Alumni Evening
  • Quiz Nights
  • Collaborations with other departmental societies
  • Staff and lecturer talks and podcasts
  • Come In Your Socs Social and SU night
  • Students v. Staff Sports Day
  • University of London GeogSoc Meet-Up
  • The best Boat Party ever!

Contact Us

We would love to hear your feedback! Feel free to contact us via email or social media with your thoughts or ideas for events that you would like to see.

Leadership Elections 2025

These elections are for the Leadership positions for the 2025/26 academic year. All current Royal Holloway students who are members of the Students' Union can vote in the elections. ***Please ensure you are logged in to be eligible to vote***

10 posts are up for election.

Nominations are now closed.

The polls open at 10:00 on Tuesday 11 March 2025 (in 16 days)





  • GeogSoc Standard Membership£5.00

Why do I have to pay for my membership?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Not ready to commit to a membership?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


  • GeogSoc Standard Membership£5.00
Media Officer
Miles Ripley
Ellie Fry
Ellenis Panter
Social Secretary
Poppy McClennon
Cam Bruce