
FilSoc: Filipino Society


!Mabuhay (welcome) to The RHUL FilSoc!


Why Filsoc?

Kamusta ka! The RHUL Filipino Society encourages students from all backgrounds to experience and engage with Filipino culture. Founded by the Filipino community at RHUL, we invite you to become a part of our community so we can bond over our common cultural experiences! 

Our goal is to provide you with the chance to network with other FilSoc members to establish both social and professional ties within our community. We plan to meet with members of other unis in order to fully embrace our Filipino culture and provide you with the best social events and experiences possible.  

To make it easier for you to adjust to university life, we aim to provide a variety of culturally related events and host socials that cater to a wider range of tastes and preferences such as game nights, movie nights and dinners. Whether you’re interested in learning more about your heritage or you just find Filipino culture fascinating, our goal is to celebrate the various cultures and traditions of the Philippines. So with our diverse range of activities and strong sense of community, our society is the perfect place for you to meet new people and create lasting memories! 


£5 for members to have access to a discounted price for events 

NB: non-members can still attend events but will have to pay a higher price either on the door or prior to the event. 


These are a few examples:

  • Filipino games nights 
  • Karaoke
  • Parties (inc. pres, themed parties, etc.)
  • Traditional Filipino dinners (inc. Boodle Fight, Potluck, etc.)
  • Sports events/tournaments 
  • Collaborations with other uni's Filipino societies

And so much more ...


Updates and posts of FilSoc events will be available through the WhatsApp and Instagram page :)



No elections are currently running





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Why do I have to pay for my membership?

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Not ready to commit to a membership?

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Sorry, there are no memberships available to purchase.
Events Coordinator
Franchesca Manela
Gabe Ang
Michelle Burchell
Social Media Manager
Ayeesha Libago
Charlotte Sarmiento
Daniella Valdez
Vice President
Frances Umel