Walk and Talk

Welcome to Walk & Talk, the society that aims to boost mental health with walking. 

We created Walk & Talk because we felt that especially after lockdown, walking became a good outlet to destress from the everyday chaos of university life. Walk & Talk is a great way to make new friends whilst doing gentle exercise, meaning that it is for anybody and everybody. We wish to create a friendly and inclusive community through this society, where members should feel safe to express themselves. 

As a committee, we are warm and welcoming and are always available to answer any questions you may have. Through Walk & Talk, we aim to share our love for walking and the benefits that come with it. Therefore, for anyone who wishes to get to know Windsor Great Park and the surrounding areas more, we provide different plans to ensure that Walk & Talk is as accessible as we can possibly make it. 

We will run two walks per week, covering a range of distances and difficulties. Members will be alerted to the scheduled walks the week before, as well as being informed about any equipment that the members may need to bring with them. Therefore, this ensures that members will have plenty of time to sign up for a walk if it appeals to them. Signing up for a membership does not mean that you are obliged to come on every walk, it is on a sign-up basis. 

Not only will we be going on a walks but we will also be promoting the creation of new connections and friendships. This means we aim to hold regular socials in addition to our usual walking schedules, with plenty of opportunities to get to know new people! 

Overall, Walk & Talk was made out of our love for walking and the aspect of escapism that it can bring to your day. If this sounds like something you would like to try, then come along and meet other like-minded people. It is a relaxed society with absolutely no pressure, all we ask is to come with an open mind and a want to have fun!

If you have any accessibility queries, please contact us. 

Follow us on Instagram for latest updates: @rhul_walkandtalk_society

No elections are currently running





  • Walk and Talk - Standard Membership£5.00

Why do I have to pay for my membership?

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Not ready to commit to a membership?

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  • Walk and Talk - Standard Membership£5.00
Events Officer
Anahita Kesharwani
Thomas Ostrowski
Anahita Kesharwani
Lilly Taee
Wellbeing Secretary
Bertram Nicholson