Tell it like it is and win £300!

Our mission is pretty simple – to make student life better at Royal Holloway. But how do we know that we’re achieving this? Well, that’s where you come in. As members and regular users of our services, you’re best placed to tell us what we’re getting right and more importantly, where we can improve. That's why each year we run our Rate Your Union survey so that we can make decisions directly based on student feedback. 

Take the survey

To say thank you for taking part:

We're giving away £500 cash + loads more prizes!
One lucky winner will receive £300 cash straight into their bank account with four £50 prizes also up for grabs, in addition to Summer Ball tickets, vouchers, and more!

To be eligible for a cash prize, you need to complete the entire survey. We will be drawing and announcing winners while the survey is open, so the earlier you fill it out the more chances you have to win! 


Your feedback plays a huge role not only in helping to improve your overall university experience but also in determining our wider decision-making as a Union, so make sure you tell it like it is!

Have your say on

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>> Your Union

The core section of our annual Rate Your Union survey, this is your chance to tell us what you really think about us and our activities and services that you've interacted with this year. You'll also have a chance to tell us what improvements you'd make - we'll collate all of your feedback and use it within our strategic planning to ensure we provide a better experience for you going forward.

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>> Our new strategy

Our current strategy runs out in 2024, and this academic year we have been working on creating a brand-new strategy to set our direction over the next few years. We're looking for your feedback on some key objectives and what they should look like in practice to help us achieve our mission of making student life better at Royal Holloway.

Find Out More