6 - 8 november
This referendum relates to the motion below entitled ‘No Platform for Hate Speech on Campus’. The contemporary resolution was proposed by a majority of the Officer Group under Article 7 of the Students’ Union’s Constitution.
The question we will be asking is as follows:

This referendum is now closed.
Why was the referendum called?
The objective of the referendum is for students to collectively decide on a policy that governs the invitation and facilitation of external speakers at Students’ Union events and activities.
Will i have the chance to debate?
As mentioned in previous communication, there will be a debate on Friday 1 November at 6pm in Medicine. This will be an opportunity for students to be able to hear the different sides of the debate – whether you want to come along to hear these arguments, or be involved in delivering them, it will be a great chance to understand the debate. The debate will be facilitated by President, Jack O’Neill, and will involve two speakers on either side of the debate.
You can listen back to the debate below, courtesy of Insanity Radio 103.2FM.
What happens if the motion passes or fails to pass?
If the motion passes it will come into force immediately, and the resolved section of the policy will apply to all Union activities.
If the motion fails, the Students’ Union will not adopt this formal No Platform for Hate Speech on Campus policy related to guest speakers. However, for the avoidance of doubt, it is important to note that the Students’ Union would still be required to operate a policy and procedure for guest speakers, in order to comply with our duty of care for members, and the current laws on hate speech and hate crime.