After another busy week, we caught up with your Sabbatical Officer team to find out what they've been working on to make student life better at Royal Holloway.
After another busy week, we caught up with your Sabbatical Officer team to find out what they've been working on to make student life better at Royal Holloway.

Hannah - President
Last week, Nisha and I were fortunate enough to attend and contribute to Royal Holloway’s Black and Global Majority staff network event ‘Decolonising the University: A Conversation with Professor Jason Arday’. Muscab Salad, Black and Global Majority Students Community Officer, also delivered a presentation on what decolonisation means to Royal Holloway students at the event. The event was incredibly insightful and a privilege to attend and meet Jason who was once a sabb too! Also, do check out the Black History Month student art expo in the library. A massive thank you to Aran, our Representation and Democracy Coordinator, and the library archives for helping to create an informative and interactive expo!
This week, I’ve been out and about and getting involved in lots happening across the University. Everything from the ‘SU Sustainability MOT’, teaming up with the new Head of Sustainability (Mark Berry) to ensure the SU is reaching its full potential to chatting to students for Speak Week and listening to your thoughts on the one thing that would have improved your university experience in the first few weeks of term.
I’ve also been planning and prepping for SHAG (Sexual Health Awareness and Guidance) Week, ensuring the week is informative but fun at the same time of course. I can’t wait to debunk myths and break the stigma around sexual health through events and a social media campaign. Did someone mention a quiz with lots of prizes to win?
Sharanya - VP Education
I’ve currently been filming and co-creating content with Nisha and the Careers Placements team to be included in the Summer Skills Placement Programme. The programme is aimed at underrepresented groups of students and appears on your University transcript!
The Sabbs and I attended Academic Board – where the academic strategy of the University is discussed.
Oliver, LSS School Rep, held an informal meeting with our new senior course reps and course reps to help answer some questions and collect feedback about Term One so far. It was great to meet some of you in person and find out how you are finding the year.
We have just elected our new EPMS School Rep, Harry Mugridge. Lauryn (Academic Communities Coordinator) and I met with Harry to go through their training and prepare them for the new role.
Hannah and I have been in communication with the Library Services team regarding the change in opening hours. We can confirm that the library will be open 24/7 in Term Two. Until then, Founder's Reading Room is open 24/7 for anyone who may wish to study overnight.
Nisha - VP Wellbeing & Diversity
This week, I have been running a campaign week called Wobble Week. With lots of fun events from pottery painting, Pets as Therapy and school rep study sessions to anxiety management workshops. The idea behind Wobble Week is that some students will still be feeling unsure about things and not fully settled yet, and this will be another chance to make friends. It’s also an additional opportunity to provide you with some more education and support around university life.
I've also been involved in some filming for the new PDA and Humanities Schools' digital magazine called First Ink. The focus of the conversation was on second-year student experiences at university and on how to balance your mental wellbeing and studies simultaneously. First Ink will be coming out soon after reading week!
As Hannah mentioned, we attended a conversation on decolonisation with Professor Jason Arday. The event examined the necessity for and challenges around decolonising higher education institutions and curricula, as well as providing examples of best practice. Professor Jason Arday is a British sociologist, writer and fundraiser best known for his research on race and racism. In March 2023, he began an appointment as Professor of Sociology of Education at the University of Cambridge, becoming the youngest Black person ever appointed to a professorship at Cambridge.
I have also been part of the conversations and meetings regarding the University's core value statements for their new strategic plan. These conversations are the first step in Royal Holloway's journey to becoming a values-led organisation.
Alastair - VP Societies & Sport
Hello everyone! I've really been enjoying campus with everyone back and into the flow of lectures, and it's great meeting so many students face-to-face! In case you've missed it, weekly sports fixtures have resumed, and I've been down supporting our Bears and working with the Sports Centre to get the best experience possible at Holloway. I've also focused on talks with the University to get more room bookings available for student groups during the day to give students, such as commuting students, who aren't on campus in the evening the chance to get involved. Overall it's been heads down, working to keep the momentum up as we continue towards Christmas!
Stand up for students
Do you want to play a lead role within the Students’ Union and help improve life on campus for students? Are you passionate about creating the most welcoming and inclusive environment to nurture student life and lead campaigns that create long-lasting change? If so, we think you would be the perfect candidate to run for a Sabbatical Officer position in the Leadership Elections 2024! Keep an eye out for more information coming soon!
If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at