Women's Only Gym Hours Survey Results

The Students’ Union launched a survey in Term One that asked current female-identifying students about their interest in a trial of women’s only gym hours and/or fitness sessions at Royal Holloway sports facilities.


The Students’ Union launched a survey in Term One that asked current female-identifying students about their interest in a trial of women’s only gym hours and/or fitness sessions at Royal Holloway sports facilities. It’s time to share the results!


The Project

Olivia Davies, VP Wellbeing & Diversity, proposed Women’s Only Gym Hours to offer female-identifying students a designated time to access the gym and/or fitness sessions to exercise confidentially and comfortably in a space of their own. The survey posed questions about general interest in a trial and the preferred tim when it should take place. We also wanted to learn a little more about female-identifying students’ use of the gym and we asked respondents whether they have a gym membership and, if not, whether they would get one with women’s only sessions. Finally, we asked respondents to explain how Women’s Only Hours would benefit them.

A paper copy of the survey was launched at the Women’s Community Coffee Hour held in Tommy’s Lounge during Freshers’ Festival before it was opened online. Data from male-identifying students was not included in the results. We have collated and analysed the student feedback to be shared with you here. The feedback you provided helped us gain better insight into female-identifying students’ current experiences and views about accessing the gym and the importance of being physically active while studying. We appreciate your time in completing the survey, and we would like to say thank you!


The Results Are In

Good news! A total of 381 students participated in the survey and an overwhelming majority want some form of women’s only gym hours and/or fitness sessions at Royal Holloway Sport facilities. You can see the breakdown of results below!



What's Next?

A paper and the survey results have been shared with Active Lifestyle & Sport, and we are working closely together on ways we can best implement a trial in Term Two. We will keep you updated on dates!