Hiya everyone! This week I (Olivia VP Wellbeing & Diversity) am bringing you a campaign called Love Yourself Week alongside Jess, our incredible Campaigns Assistant. Here is an intro blog to give you all the information you need!
Hiya everyone! This week I (Olivia VP Wellbeing & Diversity) am bringing you a campaign called Love Yourself Week alongside Jess, our incredible Campaigns Assistant.
This is us (just in case you wanted faces to the names 😊)

We wanted to bring you a week that focuses on self love, self care and prioritising yourself and your wellbeing and what better week than Valentines week to remember how important it is to LOVE YOURSELF!
When I started researching to write this blog, I literally wrote into Google, ‘What is self love?’ and Google said, “Self-love is the appreciation and respect you have for yourself, and the actions you take to support your wellbeing. It involves valuing yourself and treating yourself with kindness and empathy”.
I read this and I couldn’t really decide what direction I wanted to go with this blog, because being completely honest with you I feel like a bit of a hypocrite writing a blog about self love and self care when I can sit here and say I definitely do not always prioritise this. I don’t know about you but throughout my whole time at university, and even in this job, if I was ever really busy, self love and self care became the thing that I didn’t prioritise because I just found it easy to forget. I have come to realize that this should not be the case because when I take time for self care whether that is doing some Pilates, going for a Toby Carvery with my friends, binge watching Gilmore Girls or even just taking two minutes to breathe, I feel so much better and everything becomes a little bit easier.
Self love and self care are a journey one which I am definitely still on, and the hardest part is starting this journey and that can start this week, whether you want to come to all our Love Yourself events or even just one this can be the week that you start prioritising YOU!
We hope you choose this week to start your self love journey with us <3
If at any point you’re looking for further support, on-campus services such as the , or , are available for you to reach out to.