Top Party Priorities

As part of our campaign to encourage students to TURN UP AND VOTE in the upcoming General Election, we’re researching party manifestos on topics that matter to you based on the Student Manifesto.

general electionturn upVoting

As part of our campaign to encourage students to TURN UP AND VOTE in the upcoming General Election, we’re researching party manifestos on topics that matter to you based on the Student Manifesto. This is to ensure you can feel informed when making your vote.

Party priorities


  • Cut another 2p off National Insurance by April 2027, abolish the main rate for self-employed people, and pledge not to raise income tax rates or VAT 
  • Raise the minimum amount a pensioner receives before paying income tax in line with the pension triple lock of inflation, wages or 2.5% - whichever is highest 
  • Introduce mandatory National Service for 18-year-olds - either taking on a role serving the community or securing a military placement 
  • Raise defence spending to 2.5% of national income by 2030 
  • Send asylum seekers to Rwanda to deter illegal Channel crossings and introduce an annual cap on the number of migrant visas 
  • Increase NHS spending above inflation every year and recruit 28,000 more doctors and 92,000 more nurses 

Green Party 

  • Aim to reach net zero - to stop adding to the total amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere by 2040, investing £40bn a year to move to a green economy 
  • Introduce a wealth tax on assets above £10m and raise National Insurance for those earning more than £50,270 
  • Provide 150,000 new social homes a year, end the Right to Buy and allow local authorities to introduce rent controls 
  • Cut energy bills by improving home insulation and installing low-carbon heating systems such as heat pumps 
  • Bring railways, water companies and the big five energy firms into public ownership 
  • Increase NHS budgets to cut waiting lists and guarantee access to GPs and dentists 


  • Provide economic stability with clear rules on tax and spending, including no increases to existing income tax rates, National Insurance or VAT 
  • Cut NHS waiting times with 40,000 more appointments a week by paying staff more to work weekends and evenings 
  • Create a Border Security Command with counter-terror style powers to stop trafficking gangs and people smuggling 
  • Set up Great British Energy, a publicly owned clean energy firm, to create jobs, cut bills and invest in clean energy 
  • Tackle antisocial behaviour with 13,000 more neighbourhood police and community support officers on the beat in England and Wales 
  • Recruit 6,500 more teachers and introduce free breakfast clubs at every primary school in England 

Liberal Democrats 

  • Introduce free personal care, such as nursing at home, in England and offer more support to unpaid carers 
  • Give everyone the right to see their GP within seven days 
  • Invest in renewable power and home insulation to cut bills and drive a strong economic recovery 
  • Ban sewage discharges into rivers and seas 
  • Repair the UK’s relationship with Europe 
  • Introduce a proportional voting system to elect MPs

Reform UK 

  • Freeze immigration except for those with essential skills 
  • Stop illegal Channel crossings, including by returning migrants found in small boats to France if needed 
  • Cut NHS waiting lists to zero by boosting staff recruitment and increasing the use of alternative health providers 
  • Raise the minimum amount someone earns before paying income tax from £12,570 to £20,000 a year, and the threshold for the 40% rate from £50,270 to £70,000 
  • Scrap VAT on energy bills and cut fuel duty by 20p a litre 
  • End policies to reach net zero - the aim to stop adding to the total amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere 

Want to find out more about party manifestos and what your local candidates are saying? Use these tools: