Summer Skills Placement Programme - Applications Open!

Boost your CV and increase your chances to secure a placement with the Summer Skills Placement Programme! Register before the 28 November deadline.

Are you seeking a short placement in summer 2025?

Gain new skills and explore your sector with the Summer Skills Placement Programme – registration open now!

Open to First* and Second Years with one or more of the following backgrounds:

  • Registered with the Disability & Neurodiversity team
  • Black Heritage
  • Financially supported/low-income backgrounds
  • First generation at university
  • Care-leavers

*Eligible First Years with an integrated placement year as part of your course (e.g. year-in-industry/business).

Gain new skills and industry experience with the Summer Skills Placement Programme – registration open now!

You’ll get personalised feedback, support and application practice, as well as access to exclusive placement opportunities tailored to your interests.

The module will appear on your degree transcript, and you’ll also receive a grant award of £400 or £650.

What’s involved:

Over Terms 1 and 2, complete a short, online series of Careers activities to develop your CV and video interview technique, and you’ll get in-depth feedback and guidance in return, setting you up for future success!

To get started, visit the webpage for more detail and keep a look out for emails to sign up. Registration closes on 28th November 2024.

Want more info? Attend the Celebratory & Networking Event:

  • Wednesday 20th November, 5:30-7pm, Picture Gallery
  • Hear from past programme students about their experiences first-hand
  • Meet employers who will be hosting in summer 2025!


Book here!