The end of term 1 has rolled around quickly and your academic reps have been busy taking part in Staff-Student Action Meetings, bringing forward your feedback in your department and implementing change!
The end of term 1 has rolled around quickly and your academic reps have been busy taking part in Staff-Student Action Meetings, bringing forward your feedback in your department and implementing change!
Staff-Student Action Meetings happen 3-6 times per academic year with course reps and staff from your department attending. Ahead of these meetings, course reps gather feedback from their course peers which they discuss with university staff at the meetings to create solutions to make your student experience better. Some of these changes will even be implemented to your course in term 2. Read below a snapshot of the course reps’ impact for this term!
Geography Undergraduate reps have campaigned to release the timetables earlier to allow for students to better organise their term and personal commitments around classes.
Psychology Postgraduate Taught students have spoken up about giving students with no prior coding experience better support. The department listened and more support materials are on offer and a dedicated workshop for students who need more help with their coding.
Over in Electronic Engineering, commuting students have requested that a 9am lecture is recorded in term 2 to offer more flexibility for students travelling from far distances. The module lead has promised to deliver on that! Students have asked that the Creative Thinking Room is better advertised for students and the department are working on better signage for the room to ensure that EE students are given priority for accessing this study space.
Over in Classics, the course reps relayed the concerns students had about the last-minute changes of assessments from online to in-person. Staff promised to circulate explanations to students and some resources for support. The course reps and staff are working together to advertise the social activities being run by the department to get as high attendance as possible to help foster the academic community in Classics.
In Economics, students were happy with their employability module, but course reps are coming up with a way to make tracking of progress easier for students in this module.
Your LSS School Rep, Matthew, has helped create a school-wide commuter group chat for undergrads and postgrads to help feel closer to their university community. He’s hoping to implement more school-wide group chats for other student groups, such as Mature students and students abroad or on placement! Matthew also helped the Economics department with the Econ@Works event which connects current students with alumni to showcase some career paths for LSS Students.
If you would like to find out who your course rep is and bring forward your feedback for your course, you can do so here.
If this student voice work sounds interesting and you’d like to get in on the action, some departments are still recruiting for course reps. Please email: if you would like to become a rep or find your rep on the SU website!