Rate Your Union and Win £300!

Have your say on the SU and feed back on our new strategy and you could win one of our amazing prizes, including £300 cash!

Rate Your Union

Our mission as a Students' Union is pretty simple - to make student life better at Royal Holloway. But how do we know we’re achieving this? Well, that’s where you come in.

As members and regular users of our services, you’re best placed to tell us what we’re doing right and, more importantly, where we can improve. That’s why every year we run our annual Rate Your Union survey so we can make decisions that promote effective change that are directly based on student feedback.

Complete the survey

What is Rate Your Union?

Every year we ask standard questions about your experiences using our services which help guide our plans for the next academic year. Importantly, we use Rate Your Union as a platform to also look at other issues that might be impacting your student experience at Royal Holloway. Previous surveys included questions about the Careers Service and Student Housing which have led to Policy Inquiries on these topics. This played an integral role in providing the University with data to make positive changes in these areas of the student experience.

Last year we used Rate Your Union to learn more about your experiences with the University’s Wellbeing Department. Your feedback provided us with insight into this essential University professional service and helped us identify which areas were working well and which needed to be improved. We published a Student Insight Report on the findings in Term One which included a list of recommendations. Since then, many of these recommendations have been implemented by the Wellbeing department. Your direct feedback brought about impactful change to this area of the Royal Holloway student experience!

What are we doing this year?

This year we are using Rate Your Union to look at your experience using our venues and services, and we are asking for your thoughts on our new strategy. Our current strategy runs out in 2024, and this academic year we have been working on creating a brand-new strategy to set our direction over the next few years. Our mission is to make student life better at Royal Holloway so it's important to us that our strategy is designed and signed off by you. Your feedback plays a huge role not only in helping to improve your overall university experience but also in determining our wider decision-making process as a Union.

Cash prizes and more

This year we’re offering up some great cash prizes and more as an extra incentive to give us your views. One lucky winner will receive £300 cash straight into their bank account with four £50 prizes also up for grabs. This means we’re giving £500 to students who participate this year. To be eligible for a cash prize, you need to complete the entire survey. We will be drawing and announcing winners while the survey is open, so the earlier you fill it out the more chances you have to win!

But we haven’t stopped there.

We will be giving out loads of other prizes while the survey is live and during our in-person event at the Library on Wednesday 22 May. A list of some of the items up for grab are:

  • An essential oil mist diffuser set
  • Exploding Kittens card game
  • Starbucks voucher
  • 30oz Stainless Steel Insulated Travel Tumbler
  • Vue cinema voucher
  • Summer Ball tickets
  • Amazon vouchers
  • Classic Meal Deal vouchers
  • One month trial membership at the Sports Centre
  • Three individual group classes at the Sports Centre

And much more!

Next Steps

In the past, we only shared the results of Rate Your Union with the University and SU permanent staff teams. Last year we said we wanted to be more transparent with students, and we published the results on our website and social media accounts in Term One. The feedback you provided us also helped create our 2023 RYU Action Plan for our services, which we also shared in Term One. We are currently working through these tasks, like the Security Bag Search Review, and will keep you updated on your progress. You can expect the same from us this year once the analysis is completed.

How long will the survey be open?

The survey will close at 23:59 on Sunday 26 May.