Meet Your VP Societies & Sport - Bana Asqalan

Calling all societies, sports clubs and media outlets! Bana Asqalan is here to represent you in 2024/25. Check out Bana's manifesto, twin brother and pets!

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Hii guys! I am Bana, your VP Societies and Sport.

About me

  • I am an international student (from Jordan to be specific).
  • I am currently doing a degree in Genetics BSc, hopefully, I’ll graduate in 2026 (if I actually study in third year).
  • Fun fact: I have a twin brother but we look NOTHING alike. But you can be the judge of that:

  • I have a dog and a cat, so if you ever see me run to pet a dog don’t laugh at me.

Why I ran for VP Societies & Sport

My friends thought I would be a good fit for the role and pushed me to nominate myself and after seeing the many issues I could help solve for Royal Holloway students, I decided to run!

My Manifesto

My main goal is to make students feel heard and to voice their concerns. I understand that different students, go through different struggles so never hesitate to reach out to me, no matter how silly you think it might be.

I plan to:

  • Introduce strength and conditioning classes for the sports teams that need it.
  • Improve the gym by extending operating hours and upgrading the equipment.
  • Streamline the event proposal process for societies.

Top tips

  1. Take it easy, don’t overwork yourself!
  2. Don’t be afraid to go out of your comfort zone and try new things out (while staying safe ofc!)
  3. Make the most out of uni!

Looking forward to working with you all!