Introducing your new VP Education, Madelaine Gray! Find out about Madelaine's plans for 2024/25 and what made her run for the role.
Madelaine Gray
VP Education
Hello hello! I'm Madelaine, your new VP Education for the 2024/25 academic year.
I'm looking forward to working with the other Sabbs, the SU, and the Uni to improve your educational experience. (I fear the word education may be used a massive number of times in this…)
About me
Here are a few things to get to know me better.
- I've just graduated with a degree in Law with Politics. I wrote my dissertation on the laws surrounding emotional abuse, and the proudest moment of my three years at Holloway was receiving a first-class mark for it!
- Student groups through the SU were a massive part of my university life. In my second year, I was Editor of The Orbital (the student magazine on campus), and in my third year, I was President of PIRSoc. Both of these roles taught me a lot but also introduced me to great communities.
- If you couldn't guess from the previous two facts, I'm very politically minded. I love a good debate and can be a bit of a policy geek once I get my teeth into something.
- I am also a former theatre kid, so I can sing most of Les Mis at the drop of a hat if required.
Why I ran for VP Ed
Unfortunately, it's a bit of a boring answer. I got involved with academic representation during my time at uni and coupled with working part-time at the SU, I got to understand how the SU advocates for students and knew I wanted to be a part of it. While I enjoyed my degree, there were lots of things that I think could be better about the way things are run. We need to set students up for their careers, and make sure that the structure and content are inclusive, and suited to the needs of all students.
My aims for 2024/25
- Fostering a better connection between the University’s Careers service and our academic/departmental societies to make sure all events are utilised to their full capability.
- Lobbying for a commuter common room on campus, with food preparation areas that don’t require you to spend money.
- Encouraging employability-focused modules.
- Empowering student leaders to understand how your roles teach you valuable skills and make you employable!
- Exploring commuter-centric timetabling that will allow you to fully engage with your studies.
- Utilising our London University connections to allow students more opportunities to network!
- Standing up for students when developing the University’s new Extenuating Circumstances policy.
Top Tips
- Familiarise yourself with University and SU services - there's a lot on offer, and it can sometimes be overwhelming, but there's always help available.
- ALWAYS ask if there's a student discount.
- Join a student group! It's a great way to meet new people with a shared interest or hobby, or try something new! Check out everything on offer here.
On a slightly less empowering note:
- Don't carry your Student ID Card loose - get a holder, a lanyard, or a phone sticky pouch. Take it from someone who locked herself out of halls a grand total of 37 times in first year…
Get in Touch
Remember to reach out with any questions, issues, or suggestions! The main points of contact for me are via email ( and Instagram @RHSUEducation.