May Elections Results

Over the last three days, you've been voting to elect students in a number of important positions across the Students' Union. The waiting is over and it's time to find out who has been elected as your new student group committee members, SSO Executive Members, Collective Convenors, and Humanities School Rep.

academic repsElectionsMedia Outletssocietiessports clubs

Over the last three days, you've been voting to elect students in a number of important positions across the Students' Union. The waiting is over and it's time to find out who has been elected as your new student group committee members, SSO Executive Members, Collective Convenors, and Humanities School Rep.

Student Group Elections

This year we had 1162 members cast a grand total of 10173 votes, electing 459 successful candidates to lead your student groups next year!

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A massive congratulations to everyone who has successfully been elected - and for those who were unsuccessful this time around, don't be too disheartened! Running in any kind of election is a daunting experience and something you should be proud of yourself for doing, no matter what the result was. The process will give you invaluable experiences that you can use in a CV or job interview. A lot of our groups also don’t fill all of the committee positions that went out, and these will need to be filled, and there's always next year’s elections so there are still plenty more opportunities for you to get involved!

If your group has unfilled committee positions, try not to worry! The Student Opportunities team will be reaching out soon to discuss the next steps.

I have been elected, what are the next steps?

Firstly, well done! Newly elected committee members will receive an email with more specific information, so keep an eye on your inbox for that. The most important step though is our Student Group Training. We run a wide range of sessions targeting different roles, with attendance being recorded and compulsory for some committee members and optional for others!

Training is set to start on Monday 6 June, with all sessions online. At the end of the week, we'll be hosting a nice relaxing committee cafe/drop in at Medicine where we'll answer any questions you may have. The exact dates and sessions being delivered will be sent to you soon so please keep an eye out for this!

Societies, Sports & Opportunities Executive

Student group members have also had the opportunity to elect members of the Societies, Sports and Opportunities (SSO) Executive.

SSO is led by your VP Societies and Sport and is made up of 10 elected students. They work together to advise the officer group and other Executives of issues relating to the success of student groups. The Executive also holds the VP Societies and Sport accountable for their work, providing support and acting as a friend throughout the year.

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Over the last three days, members of Collectives have also been casting their votes to decide who will become the new Collective Convenors for the 2022/23 academic year.

Convenors lead from the front, oversee any campaigns and activities taking place and ensure underrepresented students get their voices heard on campus and beyond. Collectives are free to join and even if you don’t define into the group, you can register yourself as a supporter which allows you to take part in any of the activities run by the Collectives.

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Humanities School Rep

And finally, undergraduate students from the School of Humanities have been voting for who they want to see as their new School Rep for the next academic year.

The elected Humanities School Rep will represent your academic interests and ensure Humanities students have their voices represented at meetings such as Education Executive and the School Education Committee. They work closely with academic reps and staff in the School of Humanities and meet regularly with the VP Education to report on feedback and take forward actions.

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