International Student Survey Results

In Term Three, we ran a short survey which asked international students about their student experience at Royal Holloway to kickstart our research into this area of the student experience next year. It’s time to share the results!

International Studentswellbeing blog

In Term Three, we ran a short survey which asked international students about their student experience at Royal Holloway to kickstart our research into this area of the student experience next year. It’s time to share the results!

The Background

International students have been struggling in recent years, especially with the rising cost of living, recent changes in the UK’s immigration rules, and difficulties adjusting to life in the UK and at university. Next year we plan to run an in-depth research project about the international student experience to learn what barriers exist for this community of students. In our short survey during Term Three, we asked students about integrating in the UK and whether staff and students were welcoming and inclusive to international students. We also asked about the cost of living crisis and how it is affecting your ability to study. 54 international students from the EU and outside the EU answered these questions, and we appreciate that they took the time to share feedback.

The results

Next steps

We have shared these results with permanent staff members at the Students’ Union as well as University stakeholders. Your responses have highlighted that there are areas we need to further investigate in our work next year, and we will keep you updated on upcoming surveys and in-person engagement opportunities for international students to give feedback. Your voice matters and we look forward to working with you next year to bring about positive, impactful change for current and prospective Royal Holloway international students!