Democracy Review

You might have seen this week that Royal Holloway Students’ Union have launched the Democracy Review, but what exactly is this, and how does it impact you?

You might have seen this week that Royal Holloway Students’ Union (RHSU) have launched the Democracy Review, but what exactly is this, and how does it impact you? 

The Democracy Review evaluates the effectiveness of the student representation structure at RHSU. That includes all student representation, from sabbatical officer roles, to our academic and inclusion community officers, school reps, academic reps, and our 3 Executives (Education, Sports, Societies, and Opportunities, and Wellbeing, Community, and Diversity).  

The launch of this Democracy Review is the start of a long-term project to working with an independent consultant, CounterCulture, who will oversee this review, and following mass consultation of students in survey and focus groups, working groups, a series of proposals, and a final referendum will produce recommendations for the Students’ Union.  

The last democracy review took place in 2018-2019, and resulted in the merging of two sabbatical officer roles; VP Sport and VP Societies and Media, to form the current VP Societies and Sport. This review also resulted in the formation of the 3 Executive Groups, introduced the role of School Reps, created Policy Inquiries, and funded the Student Collectives for underrepresented groups on campus.  

This shows the importance of this review and the day-to-day impact it can have on student representation! You can have your say on what you want to see changed in student representation by filling out the form below before Sunday 31 March.

By filling out the survey, you’re also in with a chance to win one of our cash prizes! There are prizes of £25, £50 and £100 up for grabs!

If you have any questions or want to find out more about the Democracy Review, drop us an email at Student Voice.  

Fill out the Survey!