Coping Strategies for Exams

Feeling overwhelmed about upcoming exams? You’re not alone. But did you know that stress can be a great motivator? Refocusing nervous energy and taking some time to get to grips with practical coping strategies is a great way of taking ownership this exam season.


Feeling overwhelmed about upcoming exams? You’re not alone. The phrase “I’m stressed” is one you’ll probably hear multiple times during exam season – and not just from your own lips! But did you know that stress can be a great motivator?

Refocusing nervous energy and taking some time to get to grips with practical coping strategies is a great way of taking ownership this exam season.

Manage expectations

It’s important to manage your expectations and set realistic boundaries. How long can you reasonably spend revising a day and how much content can you cover?

Think of exam revision like a huge chocolate cake (stay with me... although, if you fancy some chocolate cake whilst you’re reading this, why not?) whilst you know you’re going to finish the cake, it’s much more manageable (and often enjoyable) to have a smaller slice every day. Attempting to eat the whole lot in one go is what they call ‘biting off more than you can chew’, literally. Exam revision should be broken down into short-term, achievable chunks which allow time to celebrate small wins along the way (maybe that’s where the chocolate cake comes in?)

A small win can be as simple as ticking off your to-do list! A to-do list is a great way of prioritising tasks, providing structure for your day and keeping track of your progress. The todoist comes highly recommended and is available online, on the App Store and on Google Play.

Laugh more, worry less

Knock knock! Who’s there? Your reminder that laughter really is the best medicine. Whilst exam revision is unlikely to make you laugh, it’s important that you don’t skimp on the things that do! Research has shown that laughing has a long list of health benefits and, most importantly during exam season, it reduces stress levels and strengthens your immune system. So, next time you’re overwhelmed with revision, and feel guilty for watching that next episode of your favourite sitcom... maybe don’t!

Time management

Okay, so you’re five episodes in now... we’re in procrastination territory, a dangerous place for any student. Managing your time effectively is a key ingredient to success, particularly when you have lots of content to cover.

But don’t cancel all your plans just yet! Research that forms the basis of time management strategies such as ‘The Pomodoro Technique’ has shown that you can achieve higher levels of focus for longer by working in intervals of 25 minutes, especially when these are punctuated by short breaks.

It may sound too good to be true, but the anticipation of a well-earned break, where you’ll be able to relax and address any distractions, will improve your retention and ability to concentrate whilst helping you to regulate stress levels - so go on, that KitKat is calling you!

Using a timetable maker like this one from The Student Room’s ‘Get Revising’ is a great way to monitor your progress and ensure you get the balance just right!

Be kind to yourself

We’ve all been there, it's exam season, and ready meals, all-nighters and caffeine have become your way of life. Whilst there’s no question that revising for an upcoming exam will have an impact on your day-to-day, the lifestyle choices you make during this time, typically driven by a desire to do well, are too often the greatest barriers to your success.

In contrast, here are some small positive lifestyle changes that you can make this exam season:

Drink more water: The NHS recommends drinking 6-8 glasses a day to improve brain function, particularly in relation to concentration and memory.

TOP TIP – Why not invest in a motivational water bottle with time markings or download an app that tracks water consumption like this one on the App Store and on Google Play.

Get enough sleep: Adults need between 7-9 hours of sleep every night. This improves your mood whilst enhancing recall, problem-solving skills and attentiveness.

TOP TIP- Blue light from your phone before bed can cause difficulty in getting to sleep. Most phones have built-in blue light filters to prevent this but for those that don’t, you may be able to download an app. Find out more here.

Go for a short daily walk: Staying active can be as simple as going on a short 10-minute walk - this has a whole host of health benefits including increased blood flow to the brain. And it's also great for your mental health!

TOP TIP- Factor walking outside into your revision schedule – it provides a great break from the same four walls and, weather permitting, you’ll also reap the benefits of vitamin D!

Eat a balanced diet: Easier said than done but eating healthily is key to overall brain health. A nutrient-rich diet has even been linked to reduced anxiety!

TOP TIP – Meal prep can save money and time whilst ensuring you get all the necessary nutrients. There are plenty of great recipes/plans to follow online, this one from BBC Food gives you an idea of how affordable this method can be.

Be wary of excessive caffeine/alcohol intake: Stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol can adversely affect energy and focus levels and make it harder for you to sleep.

Practice self-care: Looking after yourself is important, not least because we know that excessive stress has a negative impact on learning.

TOP TIP- Check out our article on Self-Care on a Budget for some inspiration.

Get by with a little help from your friends

Don’t go at it alone this exam season. Worrying about impending exams can start to feel lonely and isolating, but it doesn’t need to! Lean on your friends when things get tough and allow them to lean on you. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to cancel all your plans in favour of revision – it's important that you make time to let off steam and do the things you enjoy.

Your friends can also make great study partners. Regardless of what you’re studying, you can share revision strategies, motivate and test each other, hold each other accountable, and make the most of regular breaks together! Find out more about all the fantastic group study areas on campus, or, if you prefer a quiet space, look into booking one of the 15 group study rooms in the library.

Be honest with yourself

Only you know where you work best and when you’re most productive as it’s not a one-size-fits-all scenario. Try not to make comparisons - focus on your own personal goals and the most effective ways that you’ve found of achieving them.

Take a good look at your revision environment - is it conducive to focused work? Turns out there’s truth to the phrase ‘a cluttered space is a cluttered mind’ as research has found that clutter serves as a ‘visual distraction’ and leads to reduced productivity. It’s as good a reason as any to give your room a quick tidy!

If you know you're unlikely to be able to resist picking up your phone for what was meant to be five minutes and invariably turns into hours scrolling through TikTok, try downloading a distraction blocker app or simply shutting your phone in a draw, out of sight, out of mind!

A problem shared is a problem halved

If you’re struggling, you don’t need to suffer in silence. Asking for help could be the best thing you do this exam season, especially considering the wide range of support available.

Why not join a drop-in at the Advice Centre or reach out to one of our friendly advisors? The Advice Centre offers free, impartial and confidential advice to all students at Royal Holloway across a broad range of topics including academic and wellbeing issues. Or, for specialised wellbeing support, use the University’s Wellbeing services.

For academic support, reach out to the team at CeDAS. Based at the Academic Skills hub, they offer 1:1 tutorials, drop-ins and workshops with the sole objective of helping students to achieve their full academic potential. They can also provide specialist resources to help prepare for and sit your exams.

Get involved

The Advice Centre is running our Stressbusters campaign events throughout May providing you with plenty of opportunities to shake the stress away this exam season! Why not join us? Find out more about what’s on here!