Commercial Review: Win £300

Today we're launching our Commercial Review - a partnership between the University and the Students’ Union to improve student and staff life on campus. Give us your feedback and you could win £300!

Give us your feedback and win £300!

Today we're launching our Commercial Review - a partnership between the University and the Students’ Union to improve student and staff life on campus. We want to understand what you think about all of our services, facilities and spaces including our food and drink outlets, pub, bars, venues and shop. We also want to know what you think about the events and activities we organise, and the range of social activity and communal spaces we provide across the whole campus

Take the survey


To say thank you for taking part we're giving away £500 cash + loads more bonus prizes! One lucky winner will receive £300 cash straight into their bank account with four £50 prizes also up for grabs.

To be eligible for a cash prize, you must complete the entire survey.

Your feedback will enable us to develop our existing spaces and create new spaces to ensure that we are providing the right services and facilities you need and want. It will also help us to offer great value for money whilst generating income that will allow us to support more student activities.

Focus Groups

To enable us to sense-check our ideas, we will be running several focus groups w/c 14 October. Each group will last approx. one hour and as a thank you, all participants will be paid £20 cash. If you'd like to participate, you'll have the chance to let us know at the end of the survey.