Board of Trustees Update - 26 September 2024

On 26 September, we held our first Board of Trustees for the 2024-25 academic year and we wanted to bring you all an update on what was discussed.

Sabbatical OfficersTrustees

Board of Trustees Update – 26 September 2024


On 26 September, we held our first Board of Trustees for the 2024-25 academic year and we wanted to bring you all an update on what was discussed.


What is the Board of Trustees?


Our Board of Trustees comprises four elected Sabbatical Officers, three appointed Student Trustees and up to five external and independent Trustees. This group is legally responsible for the organisation and in addition to providing guidance and expertise, helps to set the strategic direction for RHSU.

At Board meetings, Sabbatical Officers and the Chief Executive provide updates on their work and present items which need to be discussed and potentially approved by Board. At RHSU, we want to ensure we are as transparent as possible about how decisions are made and who makes them, so let’s dive into what was on the agenda at our latest meeting.


Officer Updates


All four Officers updated the Board on our work since the last meeting, which included a number of campaigns to support a better student experience, further support for our groups in providing great activities for their members and delivering some key work on supporting student with their skills growth.


Quarter Four/End of Year Financial Outturn


The Quarter Four Management Accounts and draft year-end outturn were presented to the Board. The papers presented a headline figures for the organisation and a department level breakdown. The Board were happy with the position that was present and mentioned that it was a successful outcome under the circumstances. Great news!


2024-25 Budget Updates


The Board discussed the 2024-25 budget approved in June 2024. Due to unforeseen circumstances, there were a number of adjustments that were needed. Most of these adjustments were related to staff changes within the year and some restructuring of staff roles in the venues to focus on better service delivery.

A more significant development was the closure of Tommy’s Kitchen and in its place a partnership with Tikka Nation, set to commence in early October 2024. Given all the changes that were required the Board approved the revised 2024-25 budget.


Annual Health and Safety Report


The CEO presented the annual Health and Safety report which covered the work of RHSU’s Health and Safety Committee across 23/24 and key actions, work completed and planned priority actions for 24-25.


Key updates included:

  • Fire risk assessments to take place across October 2024
  • Working with the University to prepare for requirements and guidance for Martyn’s Law
  • LOLER (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998) inspections and actions related to the SU Venue and Medicine Bar
  • Packhorse survey and subsequent works
  • Summary of incidents for staff and student members taking part in RHSU/student group activity


New Articles of Association


As part of the work to incorporate the Charity as per the members vote, the CEO presented the new Articles of Association.


Most importantly the charitable objects for the new incorporated entity remain almost identical to the existing Constitution. The other changes included:

  • The powers by which we can further our objects are more explicit than implicit.
  • Clearer definitions for membership.
  • Introduction of an annual student members meeting.
  • Explicit reference to any Trustee who is subject to gross misconduct.
  • Greater clarity for replacement of elected Trustees mid-year


Annual Report for Charities Commission


The CEO presented the draft annual report which will be scrutinised by our auditors before adding the financial statements and filing with the Charities Commission. The draft report detailed our impact across 2023-24 and in particular, progress with the strategic plan ending July 2024.


Election Rules and Regulations/Appointment of Returning and Deputy Returning Officer


The Head of Community Engagement presented the updated election rules and appointment of Returning/Deputy Returning Officers for Leadership, Autumn and Community Elections.


There were 8 changes included in the election's rules and regulations for 2024/25 academic year. The amendments have been made to reflect learnings from 2023/24 and guidance from the NUS Elections Report 2024. There have also been changes to the language used regarding student groups to reflect our new approach to Student Communities.


Finance, Staffing and Risk Committee: August Meeting Summary


The board received an update on the most recent meeting that included Quarter four management accounts, the annual HR report and a conversation on VISA sponsorship.


Strategic Plan Communication


The Board were provided a verbal update on the communications plan for the new strategic plan, which had become more iterative due to management changes and staff capacity.


CEO Report


The CEO provided a written report on work to date which included a summary of Welcome week activity for the coming year, updates on our approach to the Freedom of Speech code of practice and RHSU current financial performance.


Freedom of Speech – Updated Code of Practice


There was a presentation on the recent changes to the Code of Practice in relation to Freedom of Speech due to changes in Government. 

On 26 July, the Secretary of State for Education announced the Government's intention to suspend further implementation of the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act (2023) pending further consideration of the implications of the legislation (see  This means the OfS have not launched a complaints process from 1 August, one of the key expectations of the proposed supporting regulation of the Act. 


In consultation with the University and the University legal team, the University Secretary concluded that two sections of the Code were no longer relevant/applicable in light of the Government’s announcement: 

  • Section 3, which was a proposed requirement of the Office for Students for all universities' and students' unions' Codes to quote elements of the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act (2023); and 
  • Section 6, which made reference, and linked to, the expected OfS complaints scheme, which will now no longer exist. 


The Code of Practice was revised to remove these sections with the University and RHSU agreeing that a shared Code of Practice was still important.


External Speaker Annual Report


The Head of Community Engagement presented the annual report detailing planned events and compliance with our Code of Practice.


Scheme of Delegation


The  Scheme of Delegation summarises where decisions can be made over operations, allowing Board to exercise its right in setting appropriate controls/levels of authority for staff to act in their name.

Changes to budget and stock authorisation were made to better reflect budget responsibility and simplify workflow within the Zahara Finance system.