Belong Survey Results

During the last academic year, the Students’ Union circulated a survey run by Wonkhe and Cibyl called Belong which asked about your student experience at Royal Holloway.


<p><strong>During the last academic year, the Students&rsquo; Union circulated a survey run by Wonkhe and Cibyl called Belong which asked about your student experience at Royal Holloway. The survey had 11 themes that covered different topics like your learning experiences, mental health and satisfaction with the Students&rsquo; Union We compared the results for Royal Holloway with the other universities that participated in Belong this academic year.</strong></p> <p>Belong had six waves with two waves per term, and one sixth of the student population got the chance to participate each wave. We have now analysed the results from all waves and want to share what we&rsquo;ve learned from your responses!</p> <h2><strong>WHAT we learned</strong></h2> <p>Across the 2023-24 academic year, 227 Royal Holloway students participated in Belong. The respondents had diverse demographics and studied different course types. We have shared the results below around all the themes included in the survey like your learning experience, assessment and feedback, learning resources, student voice, support services, academic support, expression, community, Students&rsquo; Union, future and mental health.</p> <p>Some of these themes had the answer option, &lsquo;this does apply to me&rsquo;, and we have removed those responses from the total count in our infographics. Many of the answer options mirrored NSS questions as there was no neutral answer and students had to choose a positive or negative response. The percentages for very positive and positive responses and very negative and negative responses were collated for most of the themes. For example, &lsquo;very well&rsquo; and &lsquo;well&rsquo; were summed to form a total percentage of &lsquo;well&rsquo;, and &lsquo;not very well&rsquo; and &lsquo;not at all well&rsquo; formed a total percentage of &lsquo;not well&rsquo;. Stay tuned to see the results!</p> <p><img alt="" src="/asset/News/6001/Belong24-Blog-1.png" /></p> <h2><img alt="" src="/asset/News/6001/Belong24-Blog-2.png" /><img alt="" src="/asset/News/6001/Belong24-Blog-3.png" /><img alt="" src="/asset/News/6001/Belong24-Blog-4.png" /><img alt="" src="/asset/News/6001/Belong24-Blog-5.png" /><img alt="" src="/asset/News/6001/Belong24-Blog-6.png" /><img alt="" src="/asset/News/6001/Belong24-Blog-7.png" /></h2> <h2><strong>&gt;&gt;what&rsquo;s next</strong></h2> <p>We have only shared the quantitative results from the survey here. The full Belong survey results per term have been collated in three papers which have been shared with the Senior Management Team at the Students&rsquo; Union and relevant University stakeholders. The information from your answers will be used to make positive changes for your overall student experience at Royal Holloway!</p>