SU Election 2017 Results

A third record turnout in a row saw 2556 students vote in this year’s SU Elections. Find out who was elected now.

A third record turnout in a row saw 2556 students vote in this year’s SU Elections. With five sabbatical officers, six part-time roles and two referenda questions being decided, you turned out in your droves casting 14,953 individual votes.

The record turnout of 25.35% comes after last year’s impressive tally of 24.6% and saw close run battles between a number of candidates.

Elected to the role of President was Natasha Barrett, with Pippa Gentry and Steff Milne also re-elected into the roles of Vice President Societies & Media and Vice President Sport respectively. Clement Jones becomes the first Vice President Education while Willow Wong fought off intense competition to be elected Vice President Welfare & Diversity.

The Students’ Union wants to thank all the candidates, their campaign teams and the student body for their participation in this year’s elections. Over the past couple of weeks a wide range of views have been put forward by candidates who want to improve student life at Royal Holloway and this debate is essential in generating new ideas and campaigns so that the Students’ Union can do exactly that.

The Students’ Union looks forward to welcoming the newly elected officers to the team in July and embracing their ideas for change.

This election period also saw a referenda run on two motions from this year’s Annual General Meeting. The motions to boycott the NSS and campaign against the turning off of street lighting in Egham were both carried and will now become Students’ Union policy.

For a full breakdown of the results click here, in the mean-time here are your winning candidates/results:

Sabbatical Officers

President – Natasha Barrett

Vice President Education – Clement Jones

Vice President Welfare & Diversity – Willow Wong

Vice President Societies & Media – Pippa Gentry

Vice President Sport – Steff Milne

Part-time Roles

Student Trustee – Josip Martincic, Rachelle Jiongco and Luke Tibbetts

College Council Rep – Emilie Ancelin

NUS Delegate – Emilie Ancelin and George Lawley

Referenda Motions

The Students’ Union should boycott the NSS and actively discourage students of Royal Holloway from completing the survey. - Carried

The Students’ Union should campaign to oppose Surrey County Council’s proposed plans to switch off lighting in Runnymede. - Carried