Election Results

Find out who's running your SU in 2013/2014

The winning candidates are listed below with links to their manifesto and the number of votes for each candidate.Please contact dan@su.rhul.ac.uk should you desire any further information or statistics! What we can say is that 2012 votes came in, representing 23% of the student body at Royal Holloway and breaking all previous records! 

Statistics will also be displayed upstairs in Rialto.


Amarbeer Singh

Vice President Education & Welfare

Sid Bertrand-Shelton

Vice President Communications & Campaigns

Jamie Green

Vice President Student Activities

Ian Stewart

Student Trustee

Samir Akhtar

Union Chair

Alex Cadier

Democracy Officer

Hannah Strathern

Entertainments Officer

Hannah Wilde

Women & Marginalised Genders’ Officer

Victoria Butcher

LGBT+ Officer

Jack Saffery-Rowe

Academic Affairs Officer

Chris Wall

Communcations Officer

Zosia Edwards

Campaigns Officer

Andrew Mitchell

Sports Officer

Theresa Feddersen

Societies Officer

Brianna Middleton MacPherson

The Orbital Editor & Deputy Editor

Simon Rawlings & Alex Pegler (respectively)

Insanity Radio Station Manager & Assistant Station Manager

Archie Macleod & Shammy Ninja Penguin (a.k.a. Julian Farmer) (respectively)

Rhubarb-TV Station Manager

Ashna Hurynag