Let's Talk About...
5-9 February
'Let's Talk About...' is all about promoting sexual health awareness by engaging students of all backgrounds in order to generate meaningful discussions around how sex interplays with consent, mental health, sexualities and personal identities.
We're compiling a bunch of anonymous stories from you guys on your best, funniest, or most embarrassing sex stories for the Let's Talk About... campaign! This is part of our aim to break the taboo on sex. So if you think you've got a story to tell, fill out this quick submission box and we'll select the best stories to be featured in an article!
News & Updates
Fri 09 Feb 2018
Your VP Welfare and Diversity, Willow Wong, rounds off the Let's Talk About Campaign and discusses lobbying the college for regular free STI tests every month.
Fri 08 Feb 2019
Your VP Welfare and Diversity, Willow Wong talks us through recent cuts to sexual health services.
Tue 30 Jan 2018
As part of the Let’s Talk About Sex campaign, we’ve set out to debunk a list of common sex-related misconceptions that have been around for so long.
Mon 05 Feb 2018
Last week, we asked you to send in your best, funniest, or most embarrassing sex stories for the Let's Talk About... campaign! Here are our favourite stories that you guys have sent over, detailing the more quirky sexy experiences in your lives.