Have you ever wanted to be a character in a Film Saga or TV Series? Well now's your chance.
Partnered with 0.51 Productions, Royal Holloway's 3rd year Media Arts students are creating a one-of-a-kind TV series, called ENGENDERED, which will be filmed on campus in and around Founders. This series will create a whole new world similar to one with students attending Hogwarts or Houses in Game of Thrones. YOU could be one of the lead characters or even just participate as an extra in some of the most exciting action scenes or lavish party scenes.
Sign up here and be the first to know about our shoots and events plus you'll be given FREE tickets to our Covid social distanced premieres which are sure to sell out and are held in-person at Netflix & Skill, our very own exclusive weekly screening venue!
Visit website
(Please note that you'll need to disconnect from the Royal Holloway Wifi connection to access our website! If you have any issues or you'd like more information, you can drop Brandon an email on brandon.wade@rhul.ac.uk.)

Events & services
- Audition for a lead role or minor part in our series
- Receive exclusive free tickets to our episode premieres
- Get online access to virtual links to watch from home after
- Guaranteed to be at least an extra actor on set of the epic productions
- Get advanced notice about events and socials for ENGENDERED
- Receive one-of-a-kind rewards with our brand and logo