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Why Join Royal Holloway Swimming?

Swim when it suits you

  • 3 pool sessions each week
  • Sessions available throughout terms 1, 2 and 3

You can swim for Leisure, Fitness or Competitively

  • All sessions are mixed ability attracting swimmers from all backgrounds
  • Lanes to join to cultivate your own swimming desires
  • Opportunity to compete in various competitions over the year

You’ll be part of a friendly and safe community

  • We are a large and inclusive campus group with over 50 members
  • Social activities are arranged regularly for members
  • Safety is prioritised at swim sessions and social activities
Please note:
• You must be able to swim 50m competently and without the use of floatation devices
• We do not teach members to swim


How do I Join?

Purchase your club membership online at https://www.su.rhul.ac.uk/sports/a-z/swimming/

Standard membership (includes all swimming and social activities )

  • Annual standard- £180.00
  • Term 1 standard- £80.00
  • Term 2 standard- £70.00   (released at start of Term 2)
  • Term 3 standard- £50.00   (released at start of Term 3)
Competitive swimmers may be asked to contribute towards competition travel and fees. If additional contributions are necessary the competitors will be made aware of the costs in advance.


Pay as you go session

  • £5.00 per session – To be paid on the SU website
  • At time of purchase you must indicate which session you wish to attend
If you need support with membership fees please explore our access fund https://www.su.rhul.ac.uk/opportunities/access/


Swimming Times and Location

When:                  Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday evenings

Where:                Bishopsgate school swimming pool (Bishopsgate Rd, Englefield Green, Egham TW20 0YJ)

Transport:           Transport is provided OR you can make your own way

If you require transport you must arrive at Founders bus stop 30 minutes before each session. 

This ensures we start swimming sessions on time.



    Swimming Session times

   Transport leaves Founders bus stop


            21:00 - 22:00



            20:30 - 21:30



            18:30 - 19:30




Contact Us

The committee are always happy to hear your feedback, respond to your concerns and answer questions

More information can be found on https://linktr.ee/rhswimming




  • Swimming - Standard Membership (Full Year)£180.00
  • Swimming - Standard Membership (Term One)£80.00
Activities Social Secretary
Aoife McCarthy
Charity Officer
Keira Pearson
Competitive Captain
William Taylor
Development Captain
Liv Kiselyte
Nightlife Social Secretary
Tristan Symons
Ben Watt
Annabelle Ebanks
Sean Cable
Vice President
Josh White
Welfare Officer
Amelia Szadowska